Your Fantastic Afternoon

Thank You Notes #57

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Thank You Notes


Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. Homemade Japanese wagashi sweets are made from lima bean paste, sugar, and sweet rice flour.

“It is the still, yellow kind of afternoon when one is apt to get stuck in a dream if one sits very quiet”
Dodie Smith

Last Sunday was a perfect afternoon despite the rain pouring down later. The verdant, lush greenery and flowers outside the windows complement our chatter as I enjoyed afternoon tea with my dear friends.

Every moment was one to treasure.

Between sips of tea or a bite of a scone, we caught up on each other’s news. If I could stop time and stay in those moments, I would relish them with all my heart.

Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. Lavender scones are made with dried lavender from our garden.

One of our friends was missing, as she was still recovering from being ill. Yet her spirit carried on in the conversation. There is something special about tea that captures my soul. Perhaps it is slowing down to let it brew like our lives can pause while enjoying an afternoon together.

Through sharing our triumphs, dreams, and even low points, we can grow as one.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Thank You Notes

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.