Your Loving Home

Thank You Notes #49

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Thank You Notes


Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. A blossoming cherry tree in our garden.

“Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.” — Robert Montgomery

We never knew how precious our home was to us until we arrived last Sunday evening from a beach trip cut short. It became a place of great comfort and solace.

Hours earlier, we were at the coast, enjoying a short trip staying in a beach rental home with two other families. The view of the ocean was spectacular from the dining area window, waves crashing onto the shore.

Although the house was right on the beach, a high retaining wall separated us from the garden and the beach. Our son made a fateful leap onto the sand from a rope ladder on the wall.

Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. A view of the ocean from our beach rental home.

It hurt my heart to see how much pain he felt. At first, we thought he twisted his ankle. We helped him get to a nearby ramp to a parking lot and then into the car to the house.

As we applied ice packs and gave him some pain medication, we realized it would be best to take him to urgent care to ensure no bones broke from his fall.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Thank You Notes

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.