15 Health Benefits of Giloy

Tulika Rajput
Thankfully Yours, Nature!
7 min readSep 13, 2023


An evergreen and well-known Ayurvedic herb that aids in better digestion immunity, and is a source of many health benefits is called Giloy, commonly known as amrita or guduchi in Hindi.

Its leaves are heart-shaped and resemble betel leaves. In Ayurvedic treatment, the entire plant is utilised. The most advantageous chemicals, though, are regarded to be in the stem.

The Health Benefits of Giloy are-

Health Benefits of Giloy for Treating Dengue

Dengue fever can be treated with Giloy.

  • Both its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (which lowers fever) effects are present.
  • Giloy helps boost the immune system when taken regularly during dengue.
  • Additionally, it helps to raise platelet count. Together, they aid in the control of dengue fever.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Treating Fever

Fever is mostly brought on by two things, according to Ayurveda. Ama is a harmful substance that stays in the body because of faulty digestion.

  • Giloy performs admirably in this circumstance as it contains anti-inflammatory and antipyretic herbs that enhance immunity to fight off illness.
  • Additionally, Giloy has a Javarghana feature that quickly lowers fever.

If you have a persistent fever, mix 2–3 tbsp of Giloy juice with the same amount of water. Take this mixture every morning on an empty stomach after thoroughly mixing the ingredients.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Treating Hay Fever

Hay fever, sometimes referred to as allergic rhinitis, symptoms are lessened by Giloy.

  • It lessens symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, nasal irritation, and nasal discharge.
  • Leukocyte (white blood cell) counts are also raised to help the body fight infections.

Due to the buildup of Ama (toxic byproducts of incorrect digestion), which results in an imbalance of Kapha, allergies develop.

Due to its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) natures, Giloy helps to balance Kapha and avoids the production of Ama. Due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities, it also helps to boost immunity.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Managing Diabetes

Giloy may help with diabetes management by lowering blood glucose or blood sugar levels.

  • Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, it also aids in the management of problems associated with diabetes, such as ulcers, sores, and kidney damage.
  • Due to its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, which in turn limit the production of Ama, Giloy helps reduce high blood sugar levels and severe diabetes problems by increasing digestion and absorption.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Managing Liver Health

Guduchi Satwa, an Ayurvedic remedy made from Giloy, can be used to treat liver damage brought on by an excessive intake of alcohol.

  • It works by reducing the level of total cholesterol in the liver.
  • Additionally, it increases the level of anti-oxidant enzymes (which minimises free radical damage) and oxidative stress markers, improving liver function in general.

Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities, Giloy aids in the improvement of liver and metabolism processes.

Giloy’s Rasayana (rejuvenating) property also prevents ageing and encourages the creation of new cells.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Preventing and Managing Cancer

Due to Giloy’s anti-proliferative qualities, it may be helpful in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

  • Due to their anti-cancer properties, the rutin and quercetin found in
  • Giloy limit breast cancer cell’s ability to proliferate and develop.
  • Additionally, it causes apoptosis (cell death) in breast cancer cells and modifies the expression of genes associated with apoptosis.
  • Giloy may lower the risk of cancer by stabilising Vata-Pitta-Kapha and limiting the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells.
  • Giloy’s Rasayana property also helps to prevent cell damage.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Enhancing Vision

When used in Panchkarma, Giloy can significantly enhance vision when used topically.

  • Giloy powder or leaves that have been boiled (and then cooled) in water must be used for this.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Improving Skin Health & Wound Healing

Skin regeneration and wound healing can both be aided by applying Giloy leaf paste.

  • Giloy balances the Kapha while suppressing the formation of Ama. To hasten the healing of wounds, the herb activates the body’s rejuvenation (Rasayana) components. Because it encourages the formation of collagen, it can help boost better skin health.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

For the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, Giloy may be helpful.

  • Giloy reduces arthritic inflammation by preventing the generation of cytokines, which are chemicals that trigger inflammation.

When an auto-immune disease develops, the body’s own immune system begins to attack itself.

  • Giloy is known to strengthen the immune system. In cases of autoimmune illnesses, Giloy may cause the immune system to become overstimulated.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels

Giloy is referred to in Ayurveda as Madhunashini, which means “the destroyer of sugar.”

  • To lower blood glucose levels, it may encourage the synthesis of insulin.
  • Additionally, it protects against diabetic complications like renal issues, ulcers, and non-healing wounds.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Managing COVID-19 Symptoms

Giloy’s effectiveness against coronavirus infection is being investigated.

  • However, it has been demonstrated that Giloy can increase immunity and may aid in the treatment of a number of viral fevers.
  • For its immunity-boosting properties, you can drink a glass of Giloy juice before each meal.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Managing Respiratory Health

Anti-inflammatory qualities are seen in Giloy. The trachea’s inflammation can be linked to breathing problems like asthma in the individual. Giloy can aid in this disease by reducing inflammation so that people can breathe easily.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Additionally useful for easing anxiety and stress, Giloy. The body will settle down if you combine 2–3 teaspoons of Giloy juice with the same amount of water when you are empty-handed.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Improving Mental Abilities

This astringent ayurvedic herb has the power to improve memory and cognitive abilities.

Health Benefits of Giloy for Boosting Immunity

Giloy juice’s high antioxidant content also aids in strengthening the body’s immune system.

  • By bolstering the immune system, these antioxidants make it simple to remove pollutants from the body.
  • In addition to that, it supports skin improvement and detoxification.

How to Consume Giloy-

Ayurveda says you can reap the health benefits of Giloy in any form, including powder, kadha, or juice. Furthermore, it can be purchased in capsule form, and its paste can be applied topically to treat skin conditions.

Additionally, if you want to drink Giloy juice, then take one teaspoon of it twice daily; however, if you have any health issues, you should adjust this dosage.

Another way of consuming Giloy for its health benefits-

Giloy Juice

  • Consume 2–3 teaspoons of Giloy juice.
  • Add the exact same amount of water.
  • Consume it once or twice a day to strengthen your immune system, ideally before meals.

Giloy Satva

  • Take one pinch of Giloy satva.
  • For excellent relief from liver diseases, combine it with honey and take it twice a day after a meal.

Giloy Churna

  • Take a half-teaspoon of Giloy churna.
  • Combine it with honey or swill it down with warm water.
  • Take it ideally twice daily, just after meals.

Giloy Kwath

  • Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of the powder.
  • Include in 2 cups of water, then boil until only 1/2 cup remains.
  • Take it twice a day, ideally before bed.

Milk- Giloy

  • A teaspoon of Giloy powder should be taken.’
  • Apply it to the skin after mixing it with milk.
  • Apply this treatment two or three times each week to reduce hyperpigmentation and blemishes.

Honey-infused Giloy Juice

  • Consume 1–2 teaspoons of Giloy juice.
  • Combine it with honey and apply it to the skin evenly.
  • To reduce dryness and wrinkles, apply this medication two or three times per week.

Giloy powder is also available, however, it’s less smooth than the juice and much more bitter than the capsules.

In order to assure the optimum potency, the powder must also be accurately weighed. The simplest way to take Giloy, in my opinion, is in a capsule or a juice.

Precautions of Giloy-

With the recommended dosage, giloy is typically regarded as safe for short-term use. With Giloy, you might need to take the following safety measures:

  • Anyone who has an autoimmune condition should refrain from using this Ayurvedic medication. Consequently, it is advised against taking Giloy alongside immunosuppressants
  • Giloy should be avoided by expectant or nursing mothers due to a lack of scientific support.
  • Patients with diabetes should exercise caution because this herb reduces blood sugar.
  • Giloy is an effective Ayurvedic drug that has benefited many, as can be shown by weighing the risks and advantages.
  • If you are allergic to Giloy, never use the drug or any of its components without a doctor’s approval.
  • For exterior uses, mix Giloy with milk or honey.
  • Due to a lack of reliable research, avoid using Giloy during pregnancy.
  • Blood sugar levels may be reduced by Giloy. Therefore, if you are taking Giloy together with anti-diabetic medications, it is generally advisable to monitor your blood glucose.
  • During or after surgery, Giloy may affect blood sugar levels. So it’s best to stay away from Giloy at least two weeks before surgery.

Are children able to consume Giloy?

You can give giloy leaves to your children if they have a persistent fever and lose their appetite, but it is best to first speak with a doctor.

To ensure that your children can take this drug for as long as necessary, you can also try giloy supplements, which filter out the negative phytochemicals.

Therefore, by using giloy leaves correctly, you will actually be aiding in your children’s physical and mental development.


Note that this material is prepared from the standpoint of health and lifestyle. It is not intended to replace any medical advice; rather, it is for general information only. For suitable medical advice, kindly see your doctor.



Tulika Rajput
Thankfully Yours, Nature!

A budding scientist, an all-time researcher, and a part-time health writer.