A Fathers Love is Felt Beyond Word

Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!


Fathers, when we think about them, the first thing that comes to mind is their love. How they cuddled us, how they wiped our tears when we fell from our cycle. Our fathers try to fulfil all our demands the best they could, no matter how nonsensical it sounds. They are the figures we admire, they are our role models and our strength.

This Father’s Day let’s talk about what our fathers face, how they feel and their impenetrable strength.

Dad, you’re the reason we never give up

We take for granted the simplest of things. The bills paid, food on the table, a warm bed and a roof over our heads. As we grow up, we start to appreciate the hard work put into these commodities. Their patience, hardships, determination and a lot more can be learned from them.

· Financial Security:

When we want candies, that big doll or a speedy car, our fathers are the ones we go to. Education and medication expenses are amongst the few important things they provide for.

But the mental preparations come even before that. And children seem unaware of the fact. We don’t know what type of mental pressure our fathers face. The hard work they put into providing for us. They make savings for our future.

When fathers feel they can’t provide fully as per the needs of their families, they overwork. Often this creates a gap between the father and the children. But know for sure what they are doing is all for you.

· Fathers, our safety net:

When we go into conflicts, we always know that our Father has our back. They not only coddle us but are always there to guide us through the hardest of times. The roof they provide over our heads is one part of it. The truth is our fathers are always there in some way, shaping us, and guiding us.

· Being the role model:

Our Father’s biggest dream after being able to provide for us is to be our role model. They do not only help us financially but their presence will make you a better person. With the respect and love he treats your mother, you learn how to be one good child. The way he calmly handles the biggest of issues, you learn there’s always a way to solve one. The way he smiles and hides his pain, you learn you have that strength too.

They are not only saving you now but making you a strong, independent person who’ll have no problem migrating through life.

All our fathers want is for us to be respectable and honest humans. They try to guide us through our life and set an example.

· Education:

Our first, primary education starts at our home. What we see is what we learn. A child’s education not only consists of institutional but emotional as well. It is from educating us on how to hold a pencil to how to handle our finances. From holding our hands to making us responsible enough to hold theirs. All of this constitutes educating us.

But when it comes to academic knowledge, it starts before your birth. They plan everything from preschool to college. Finding the right opportunities for your hobbies to make your hobby into an opportunity. They help you with your homework and summer vacation work. The Father’s involvement is in all aspects of your life.

· Good Parenting:

Because when we were small our world revolves around our fathers. And what they most want is to be present with you at every moment of your life. It doesn’t matter whether it is picking you up from your nursery or cheering you at your graduation. They will be with you with their goofy smile and charm to welcome your friends. or drop you there for birthday parties.

Fathers, our first heroes, when they praise you, you feel all puffed up with happiness. And when they give you a gift you wanted all along, you get into seventh heaven. But when you get into all kinds of trouble, they scold you. It’s not because they don’t love you but worry about you. You won’t know by their stoic face sometimes, but they are proud of you.

Their main fear is that you have to face the situations they have gone through. They’ll give you everything in their power that they couldn’t have. Whether it’s quality education or toys. They will present you with ample opportunities, all you have to do is keep going.

You need to be strong and live long Dad

Fathers are strong, they always handle everything. We look up to them whenever we need anything. But we have to look after them too. Because they are the ones who’ll work through the pain, fever, and every discomfort to meet demands. Due to this, they suffer from a lot of problems and ignore their health.

· Exhaustion:

Want that cricket kit you saw a long time ago? Have a science project? Or wanted to go on a picnic? Your father will try to give you all. Although on what price, you don’t understand. They’ll have no time to stop and rest. This causes them exhaustion. Take care of them, put a protein bar in their backpack, and a bottle of energy drink. You can also try these unique Coca-Cola and Pineapple powder flavours.

Exhaustion makes them eat junk and has no value to their fitness. This could cause them high cholesterol and weight gain. We all are well aware of the side effects of weight gain. Weight gain can be helped by our Keto weight loss supplement. Wheatgrass capsules will help in reducing cholesterol. Try them out!

· Stress:

Day in and day out, all father’s thing is about finances. How they manage the monthly fee and summer camp expenses is one example. Stress causes tense muscles and high blood pressure. Often stress causes heartburn, digestive issues and sometimes reproductive issues and sickness. But don’t worry we have a solution for this too, try the Healthy Step drops for heartburn and digestive issues.

Sometimes, stress leads them to smoke and drink. They make this their coping mechanism. There are some De-addiction formulas like tobacco-free cigarettes and sprays that you can gift them. They also come in mint and clove flavours and clove and regular flavour packs.

· Depression:

Fathers in depression will affect their child’s mentality as well. Because a depressing environment affects everyone around them. It could shape your behaviour and development. It can go as far as affecting your mood and causing you depression as well. A depressed father won’t spend time with their children. It can lead to a gap between them that no amount of time will be able to fill it. It can cause anxiety and loss of sleep also.

To deal with anxiety and depression try Anxiety roll-ons. And for sleeplessness try a deep sleep drink.

· Obesity:

Exhaustion, stress, and depression, all of these disturb your diet. Maybe your father’s diet will consist of non-healthy foods or he won’t be eating on time. Either way, he will have a problem with Obesity.

Obesity is such a problem that it can pass on to children from parents. It can weaken your immune and can make you prone to serious diseases like acidity, and diabetes. To relieve acidity have acidity syrups and syrups that will help you in digestion. You can burn that extra fat and manage your weight by exercising and putting your health first. Nutrex Research Lipo 6 Hardcore Fat Burner is one such capsule that can help you.

A Dad’s love suffices the shortcomings of life

“A Family that eats together stays together” is one quote we all have been listening to all our lives.

We can not only eat but can do much more than that. These activities can be:

Activities like playing games or cooking together with your father will help create that close bond

· Playing games like chess, badminton etc. which will help you spend more time with your father

· Telling him what has been going on in your life, having heartfelt conversations with them

· Insisting them to taste that cookie batter and getting them into the mix

· Take them on a run with you or go with them, it’ll help you in both in bonding.


According to research, a father’s participation in activities may also aid a child’s cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional development. So, the father needs to be mentally strong and be in good shape. Visit Healthmug, they have a panel of experienced doctors that can help you with all your concerns. They also offer free online consultations. You can also check their website Healthmug.com for more products in health and nutrition.

Disclaimer: Everything offered on this blog is provided solely for learning purposes and is not meant to replace medical supervision. The reader should speak with their doctor to evaluate whether the material is appropriate for their circumstance because everyone has different requirements.



Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!

Fitness Enthusiast. Naturalist. Trying to make my life worth living with old songs and reading fictions.