Pattern Baldness

Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!


People assigned male at birth (AMAB) are susceptible to a kind of hair loss known as male pattern baldness. It is also known as Androgenic Alopecia. On the skin that covers your head (the scalp), it results in hair loss that does not regrow. Male-pattern baldness also manifests as thinning hair. Another symptom is a receding hairline, which is a hairline that creeps farther back on the head.

The Hamilton-Norwood scale divides male pattern baldness into seven stages:

Stage 1: Hairline recession and/or hair loss are minimal to nonexistent.

Stage 2: The area between your ears and forehead (the temples) has a modest hair loss.

Stage 3: Your hairline may have an “M” or “U” shape and you have severe recession around your temples.

Stage 4: You have a very noticeable recession of your hairline and a crown-like hair loss.

Stage 5: The bald spot on your crown is connected to your hairline receding.

Stage 6: There is less or no hair between your crown and temples.

The stages in which the hairline recedes

The stages in which the hairline recedes

Stage 7: You have a narrow strip of hair along the side of your head and no hair on top of your head.

What are the Symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness symptoms include:

  1. Thinning or falling out of your crown hair.
  2. Hair loss or thinning around your temples.
  3. Hairline retreating.

The male pattern baldness is not painful. Male pattern baldness can start as early as your late teens or early 20s, but most people start to notice it in their 30s.

On your crown, hair loss typically takes the form of a circle. A receding hairline frequently takes the form of an “M.” Hair loss around your crown and temples may eventually meet to form a “U” shape as your hair loss progresses.

What Causes Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness can be caused by the following factors:


As people age, their likelihood of acquiring male pattern baldness rises. Before age 21, the first signs of hair loss appear in about 25% of those who are assigned as male at birth. Half of people lose hair by the time they are 50 years old, and roughly 70% of people lose hair as they age.


The androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is one kind. A class of sex hormones known as androgens aids in physical maturation and puberty. Hair growth on the face, scalp, chest, underarms, and genitalia are examples of physical development. Researchers and medical professionals believe there may be a connection between DHT and the shrinking of your hair follicles.


Individuals born with a male X chromosome receive one from their mother and one from their father’s Y chromosome. Your X chromosome’s AR gene instructs your body on how to produce androgens. Male pattern baldness is partly determined by the sensitivity of your AR gene.

The causes due to which you can see these symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness

The causes due to which you can see these symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness

How is Male Pattern Baldness Diagnosed?

Male pattern baldness is a condition that is simple to diagnose on your own; a medical professional is not always required. But, if your doctor examines your scalp physically, they can verify it. Your medical history will be questioned, along with the timing of your hair loss onset and any family history of male pattern baldness. They’ll take note of your hairline’s shape and any places that exhibit balding or thinning hair.

Your doctor may inspect your scalp using a densitometer, a specialised instrument. The densitometer is a tool used to determine the thickness of hair follicles.

If your doctor believes your hair loss isn’t caused by male pattern baldness, they might:

  1. Look for indications of an infection on your scalp.
  2. Send a sample of your hair to a lab so they can analyse it.
  3. Get a scalp biopsy to look for any skin conditions.
  4. Take blood samples.

Medications to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Treatments for hair loss include:

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that you put on your scalp include:

  1. REPL Dr. Advice No 10 (Alopecia)
  2. Radient 48 Alopecia Drops
  3. Ginseng Hair Oil
  4. Cipla Topgain Solution
  5. MX Topical Solution

Hair Transplant

A medical professional transfers skin grafts to bald or thinning portions of your scalp from parts of your body that still have hair. Scarring, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, and scalp discomfort and irritation are possible side effects.

Platelet-rich Plasma

To promote hair growth, a medical professional draws blood from your body, processes it, and injects it into your scalp. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, scalp discomfort and itching are possible side effects.

Styling Methods

You can use wigs, hair weaves, or specific haircuts to conceal male pattern baldness.

The treatment options you can try for Pattern Baldness

The treatment options you can try for Pattern Baldness

How to Prevent Male Pattern Baldness?

It is unknown to medical experts and healthcare professionals whether male pattern baldness may be prevented. Nonetheless, there are methods to maintain healthy hair that could encourage hair development, such as:

  1. Consuming more protein, particularly if you’re vegan or vegetarian. 40–60 grams of protein are required daily. Fruits, vegetables, and protein are all included in the Mediterranean diet, which may reduce hair loss.
  2. Taking supplements. Healthy skin, hair, and muscular tissue are maintained by a few vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, iron, and vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.
  3. Figuring out how to handle stress. Stress can trigger an increase in androgen activity, which can lead to male-pattern baldness.

Your Takeout

Male pattern baldness causes many people to decide not to visit a doctor. But if you want to save your hair, you should give your doctor a call as soon as you start to detect hair loss on your scalp. You can get a free online doctor’s consultation at Healthmug.



Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!

Fitness Enthusiast. Naturalist. Trying to make my life worth living with old songs and reading fictions.