Why Do We Overeat?

Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!


Overeating is eating past the point of fullness. When we overeat, we eat when we are not actually hungry. Overeating can result in eating disorders and weight gain if it becomes a habit. Overeating is not a binge eating disorder, though.

Overeating is very common, and it’s biological. Your body produces more cortisol when you’re under stress. Increased cortisol means a fight-or-flight response. Among other things, cortisol tells you it’s time to find food. You can start to want foods heavy in salt, sugar, or fat.

Other factors are also at work in this situation. Overeating can be influenced by factors:
1. How quickly do you eat?

2. What you eat?

3. When you eat?

4. What do you do while you eat?

Indigestion and stomach aches can result from occasional overeating. It affects how your body controls hunger and results in weight gain.

However, it might be challenging to know when to stop eating. Especially if you eat quickly or are focused on something else.

Typically, your body regulates hunger with hormonal signals. Your ghrelin hormone levels rise after a long period of fasting, making you feel hungry. After eating, the leptin hormone makes you aware of your fullness.

These signals are suppressed by overeating. This throws off the hormones that control our hunger, increasing the likelihood that we may eat for pleasure rather than fuel.

For up to 20 minutes after your meal, you might not even be aware that you overate. After that, you can feel tired or sick to your stomach.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the Symptoms of Overeating?

When you overeat, you may feel:

  1. Acid reflux
  2. Bloating
  3. Gas
  4. Heartburn
  5. Nausea
  6. Stomach pain
  7. Tired and Sluggish

The discomfort from the overeating should start to go away a few hours later. Exercise and drinking plenty of water could hasten your recovery. You should contact a doctor if the symptoms worsen or persist for a week.

The symptoms that indicate overeating

What causes overeating?

Overeating can have a variety of causes, some of which are connected to the meals. Other causes are related to why or when we’re eating. Causes of overeating include:

  • Emotional eating

When you’re under stress, you’re more prone to eat. The other causes include being unhappy, exhausted, bored, or depressed. Endorphins are feel-good hormones that are released by eating. We do it when we’re feeling stressed out or exhausted. We are more inclined to overeat when it makes us feel good rather than we are hungry.

  • Preferred Foods

It can be challenging to give up your favourite foods. Overeating is prevalent with foods like French fries, pizza, chocolate, and ice cream.

  • Highly Processed Foods

Processing and flavourings contribute to the allure of eating. Even when we’re not hungry, these foods cause us to keep eating.

  • Time of Day

Overeating is common in the evenings. We’re more likely to eat because it feels good and not just because our body needs the energy.

  • Social Situations

We often congregate around food for athletic events and holidays, and to interact with loved ones. Some people get more disoriented in social settings. Even when they are no longer hungry, some people feel anxious or compelled to eat while everyone else is eating.

  • Large Portions

You see a lot of food whether you’re at a buffet or a restaurant. As a result, you eat more. Additionally, you’re more prone to consume larger servings when dining with family.

The causes of overeating
  • Certain Medications

Some medications may reduce your ability to recognise fullness. If you see overeating following a drug change, consult your doctor.

  • Medical Conditions

Overeating can be influenced by certain medical disorders. Premenstrual syndrome, atypical depression, and anxiety are a few of them. Kleine-Levin syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are further medical diseases to blame.

Management and Prevention

What should I do after overeating?

If you overeat, feeling guilty or blaming yourself won’t help you feel better. Keep in mind that overeating is typical. For a few hours, you might feel awful. However, it’s crucial to treat yourself well as your digestive system functions. You can take certain actions to aid your body in digesting your meal and assist you in getting back on track. For instance:

  • Go on a walk. Moderate exercise has the added advantages of regulating blood sugar and lowering gas.
  • Remain hydrated. More water will be required by your digestive system to process the additional food.
  • Herbal teas with flavours like peppermint, chamomile, and ginger may help with digestion. They can also help lessen flatulence.
  • Taking an over-the-counter antacid can help with heartburn or indigestion.

Complications/side effects of Antacids

Antacid side effects could include:

Prevent overeating with these tips

How can I avoid overeating?

Even though it happens occasionally, overeating might alter the way your body manages hunger. Unwanted weight gain may result. We often eat too much because it makes us feel great. Doing extra activities that make you feel good other than eating may therefore be helpful. Exercise, get enough (but not too much) sleep, restrict your use of social media, and practise basic self-care.

Other strategies to avoid overeating include:

  • Limit alcohol consumption

We eat more when we’re drinking. Cutting back may help.

  • Avoid salty foods

Salty foods can increase your desire for sweets.

  • Fill your plate with vegetables

Veggies contain more fibre and will slow down your eating.

  • Manage your stress levels

Hunger and fullness hormones can be suppressed by stress hormones.

  • Eat slowly

If you take your time, you may notice you’re full before you finish your plate.

  • Eat mindfully

Know your triggers and motives for eating.

  • Get regular exercise

Exercise is an alternative source of endorphins.

  • Plan to celebrate the holidays earlier in the day

It is the time when you’re less likely to overeat.

Your Takeaways

Although there are many solutions discussed throughout this blog for overeating, you may require a doctor’s council. Consult doctors online at Healthmug, they offer free consultancy on their platform.



Shivangini Rai
Thankfully Yours, Nature!

Fitness Enthusiast. Naturalist. Trying to make my life worth living with old songs and reading fictions.