Gift Anniversary Automation Is Here: Use This Feature to Easily Thank Donors on Their Anniversary, Automatically!

Lindsay Roth
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

You’ve been meaning to implement a regular anniversary strategy for your most loyal supporters, but haven’t gotten there yet. Maybe it’s too complicated for your data team to manage; or you’re still determining the best message to send; or you have no clue where to begin.

Allow us to help. Introducing completely automated anniversary messages, just in time for that end-of-fiscal year push. Recognizing your loyal supporters doesn’t just give you another opportunity to remind them to make their gift, but it shows that you know them and appreciate their generosity, too.

Step One: Create a video that kicks butt.

Let the students loose on campus with creative ways to say thank you. Consider highlighting changes that have taken place over the year on campus. Celebrate achievements and awards. Get quirky and celebrate your unique campus culture.

Then, be sure to ask them to renew their support to keep the good times rolling by clicking that call to action button.

Step Two: Choose Your Audience

Find your LYBUNTS. Those who gave Last Year But Unfortunately Not This year. Run a list to import into ThankView as you normally would and include LAST GIFT DATE. This is the field that will trigger automatic sending of your anniversary campaign.

Step Three: Build Your ThankView Anniversary Campaign

Load your list into an anniversary campaign and build your message as you normally would. The LAST GIFT DATE will serve as ANNIVERSARY DATE, which is a required field for any anniversary ThankView campaign.

Step Four: Record Your Videos & Schedule a Send!

This will feel very familiar — the best part is that the anniversary date will trigger a SEND without any action from you.

Step Five: Refresh, refresh, refresh

While some donors will need the anniversary reminder, not all will. To prevent reminding someone who has already made their gift, we suggest refreshing the list with the latest LAST GIFT DATE on a weekly basis. When the date reflects the current fiscal year, it won’t send until NEXT fiscal year by default.

Step Six: Celebrate

You’re about to wow your most loyal donor population!



Lindsay Roth

I write about alumni engagement & fundraising, & how tech can yield better results. Full time @ UMASS Dartmouth. Occasionally of ThankView.