How Video Can Help Communicate During Times of Crisis

Delaney Strittmatter


With events being postponed or canceled left and right and gift officers unable to travel, the Covid-19 crisis has forced many organizations to change how they interact with donors, volunteers, students, staff, really everyone involved with their organization.

First, an introduction.

For those of you who are current ThankView users, welcome! You may already be familiar with these tools, but here are some quick videos to pass on to your staff to help them learn more about how ThankView can help them send important messages during this time.

If you’d like to learn more we host webinars on Best Practices and various other topics monthly.

Here’s our full list of quarterly “Thankview Best Practices” webinars:

Here’s a full calendar of our monthly webinars and recordings:

For those who are not ThankView users, also welcome! We hope the links below pique your interest and spark some ideas for how your organization could use ThankView.

You can always learn more by going to the ThankView website or setting up a demo and if you are interested in signing up for our upcoming webinars, please head to the links found at the bottom of the article.

Without further ado, let’s break down 3 different ways video can help communicate during a chaotic time like the coronavirus outbreak.

How to Request Videos from 100+ Recipients

Whether you’re requesting thank you videos from scholarship students who are now studying from home or requesting videos from donors themselves, here’s a quick tutorial on how easy it is to collect, edit and send out videos via ThankView’s video request tool.

How Leadership Can Send Video Messages To Your Entire Audience & Track Engagements

Do members of your leadership team want to send mass updates via video that still feels personal? Take a look at this quick how-to for filming leadership videos and tracking the results.

How Gift Officers Can Create Personalized Videos For Every Donor

If your gift officers are unable to meet donors in person, here’s a quick how-to for recording personalized videos.

And there you have it. Video communication made easy!

If you’d like to learn more we host webinars on Best Practices and various other topics monthly.

Here’s our full list of quarterly “Thankview Best Practices” webinars:

Here’s a full calendar of our monthly webinars and recordings:

Please reach out to if you have more specific questions about how ThankView can help communicate through video.

