New Video Sequencing

Keith Maneri
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2018

Now you can add not one, but two videos to each recipient in your campaign. Video sequencing is great for combining a more personalized video, mentioning a single recipient or a group by name (Video Part 1) with a more generic or edited video (Video Part 2).

Let Account Executive Alain take you through our latest feature with his dulcet tones.

Here’s how video sequencing works:

Video Intro

The Intro, formerly known as your Theme, is now the first step in your video sequence. The Intro is a great way to lead into your video with your own photos, logos, and music. Each intro has different levels of customization, whether it’s the wording, the color, or the photos you’ll be able to make even the first few seconds before your video a customized experience for your recipient.

If you’d like your video to play without an intro, you can select “Continue without an intro.”

Video Part 1:

Upload, record or choose a video from your library to send to each recipient.You can personalize each message, send everyone the same video or do a bit of both.

Video Part 2

Easily sequence a second video into your ThankViews.

Save time with this optional step by creating a short personalized message in part 1 and adding a generic message in part 2!

Need some inspiration for how to use Video 2?

Video sequencing is great for combining a more personalized video, mentioning a single recipient or a group by name (Video 1) with a more generic or edited video (Video 2) showing the entire recipients’ list how their donation has impacted your organization.

For a school’s Giving Day or Phonathon, Video 1 could be a quick video of a student thanking a donor by name, recorded quickly on their phone or webcam, followed by a pre-recorded Video 2 of students and faculty showing donors what their gift means to campus.

Watch a demo of the Video Sequencer LIVE with CEO JD Beebe this Tuesday, September 25th at 1pm EST on the ThankView Community Page! He’ll be showing how it works, sharing some use cases and answering your questions. To participate, join the ThankView Community Page here!

