Segmentation + A/B Testing with ThankView: Learn About Your Community’s Video Preferences!

Lindsay Roth
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2019

As we’ve previously mentioned, San Francisco based Cisco predicts that by 2022, 82% of all internet traffic is going to be video. While much of that statistic is driven upward thanks to more and more of society adopting streaming options like Netflix + Hulu, the real takeaway is that video is becoming a preferred form of communication.

If you aren’t incorporating video into all aspects of your engagement and giving strategies, you’re officially behind the trend.

Fear not, ThankView has tons of options for personalizing video messages to your audience while also testing to see what preferences are most popular.

Ways to segment

  • Geography: hearing from a student in the same region can create instant rapport
  • Behavior: acknowledge your donors + they’ll want to reinvest!
  • Affinities + Lifestyle: appeal to generational trends or what prospects were involved in as a student.
  • Psychographic / Emotional: Tell a story that makes them want to take action.

How ThankView Makes Segmentation EASY!

  • Video request: peer-to-peer impact with light lifting on all sides!
  • Set up A/B campaigns to compare within your metrics tab
  • Encourage replies — collect instant feedback on events and approaches!
  • Intro personalization before a canned video
  • Lots of metrics to digest!

Want to learn more? Check out our ThankView How-To on this subject where we dive into examples of A/B testing and ways to personalize video to deepen your donor relationships.

If you’re a member of our ThankView client community you have access to our Facebook Group where you can share ideas and hear about the latest ways other members of the nonprofit and higher education community are using our software.

How are you testing out video at your shop? Sound off in the comments, below!



Lindsay Roth

I write about alumni engagement & fundraising, & how tech can yield better results. Full time @ UMASS Dartmouth. Occasionally of ThankView.