Top 3 Tips for May 2020

Delaney Strittmatter
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2020

The ThankView Customer Success team receives a lot of questions about how to get the most out of a ThankView subscription. We want to open up your FAQs and answers to the whole community!

This month we’re addressing:

1. Should I add someone as a recorder or send them a video request?

Being added as a recorder or receiving a video request are two great ways to get videos uploaded into the ThankView video library. Here are two good questions to ask when deciding if someone should be added as a “Recorder” in your portal.

Will this person be filming ThankView videos frequently?

If yes, “Recorder” status may be the simplest way for them to upload their videos. Here’s an article with a quick look at how a Recorder’s portal looks. It’s much more limited than the Admin or Creator status.

Is this person tech-savvy?

If no, video request might be an easier option for them to upload videos. In 3 clicks, they can upload a video to the portal without having to log-in and navigate to the Video Library.

2. What tools do I need for internal ThankView training?

Just like these very important (and not at all staged) businesspeople above, you may be tasked with leading a meeting about ThankView with new ThankView users and veterans alike.

Here’s the lowdown:

For new users, here are some great resources to point them to in a followup or run through during the meeting:

  1. ThankView weekly trainings — for new users wanted to see what all the fuss is about, this is a great first touchpoint
  2. The Getting Started With ThankView blog post — yes I did just link to another blog post. A blog within a blog post. Meta.
  3. Success Stories. These are partners we’ve seen used ThankView in amazing and creative ways. Bring a few to the table, see what inspiration strikes for your next campaign idea.

Once you’ve gone through the ThankView basics and the team is on board, here are some good stats to keep in mind when making your Summer 2020 communication plans:

  1. The industry average open/click-through rates on the Metrics page — these are great benchmarks for your team to set goals.
  2. 85% of donors say they don’t know what their gift did. They received no info on the outcome and 84% of donors say they would give me more if they saw the results of their gifts. — this stat comes from a recent presentation by the amazing Donor Relations Guru, Lynne Wester.
  3. According to a new survey by Fidelity Charitable, 25% of donors plan to increase their giving after the COVID-19 shutdown. Volunteering and in-person forms of service are decreasing significantly, but there is still a lot of generosity during these times.

How can these stats speak into your outreach plan?

3. Where can I access more ThankView examples?

We get this question a lot. What are other organizations like mine doing for “x” or “y” campaign?

The best advice for any video is to stay true to your organization’s mission and voice, however, to find that voice, a video example can be a great place to start. Plus, it can also be uplifting to amazing videos like this one from A Step Beyond.

Here are great places to find more videos examples:

  1. ThankView’s Youtube Channel. Specifically, the 2019 Thankie Awards. (I highly encourage checking out the acceptance speeches as well. S/O to the amazing team at MNSU!)
  2. The COVID-19 shared google sheet. This is filled with advice and video examples from over the past 2 months of lockdown.
  3. Not finding what you’re looking for? Post a question in the Facebook Community Group. We’re so lucky to have partners willing to help each out with specific stories, videos, and advice!

Have more questions? Want to share ideas for next month’s tips? Let us know! You can reach me at

