Your Year of ThankView

Delaney Strittmatter


What does a Year with ThankView look like?

Let’s break down how to include video into your communication calendar with to-do lists, ideas, and examples!


  1. Check those Open Rates
    Look at what messages you’re sending regularly (i.e. pledge reminders, event invitations, anniversary appeals) and bump the open rates by using VIDEO instead.
  2. Lead with Video
    Video is 3–5x more recallable than text. Looking to make your message stick? Think of what you could show them instead of making the recipient read.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Power
    Even if you don’t have the strongest peer-to-peer volunteer network to rely on, video is a great way to mimic that outreach without the heavy lifting or recruiting. Build your audience to reflect the video subjects you do have access to — it’s better than not incorporating peer-to-peer at all.

Your Calendar

Here’s our recommended to-do list for planning your ThankView communications.

It’s no longer debatable if video should be a part of your messaging. It’s everywhere and it’s here to stay.

According to Hubspot, 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. In addition, 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55 % view online videos every day.

Another important stat: 75% of millennials watch video on social media daily, so video outreach is an amazing way to communicate with a method they are already using so frequently.

Untapped Opportunities

Where are some contact points that you can replace with a ThankView video?

It could be in planned giving. Why not reach out to prospective donors in a new way? Could be utilizing the video request tool to connect scholarship recipients directly with their donors.

Why not surprise your donors on their birthday or the anniversary of their first gift?

How can ThankViews work with your other communications: email, direct mail and social?

Here’s an amazing example from Lawrence University. They used ThankView as a trumpeter for upcoming communication for their alumni reunion events.

Check out the full Year of ThankView webinar below for more ideas and examples!

