Putting Trees in the Ground

Catarina Gutierrez
Thankyou Payroll
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019

We got dirty and will continue to do so as part of our commitment to the environment and our future.

Photo courtesy of Garth from Brooklyn Trail Builders

At Thankyou Payroll, we plant trees each year as a team. It’s such an incredible experience because we bond with each other but also with Papatūānuku, the land. It’s part of our efforts to remain carbon-neutral and beyond.

August this year, we planted trees in the hills of Polhill Reserve in Wellington and Sawyers Bay, Dunedin. Over 600 trees were put into the ground at these beautiful sites including rātā, cabbage trees, rimu, tōtara. Over 40 employees, friends and clients joined us to get down in the dirt. That is remarkable the commitment our community shares beyond the office walls.

Thank you to the 16 people from ThankYou Payroll who came out to plant trees right on top of Polhill this afternoon. Got in about 250 trees to restore the forest to the Polhill skyline. This includes some rātā which would have been the waving head-dresses mentioned in the Te Reo name for the Brooklyn area. This is the second year ThankYou Payroll has planted in Polhill — part of their goal to be carbon-neutral and all round good people. They brought hot chocolate with chillies, perfect comfort for today, which was, err, perfect weather for the trees. Right now probably half of the winter’s 4,000 trees are in the ground. Several more groups booked in and lots of individual volunteers helping out too. — Garth in Wellington.

Sawyer’s Bay tree planting, Dunedin

“We believe, as a responsible business, that we need to take into account the environment, which we all share.” — Christina Bellis, CEO Thankyou Payroll

Tree planting is one action that Thankyou Payroll takes to actively address climate change and the negative impact of carbon emissions on the environment. 250 trees will, if they sustain growth, absorb 179 tonnes of carbon dioxide over their lifetime.

Gathering the whānau each year is a big part of the “why”. This goes beyond our commitment to the environment. It’s one of the few opportunities we get to see the tamariki and not talk about work. My favourite is hearing what people say to the plants. Our volunteer coordinators always encourage a kind word to the budding trees/plants. I once overheard a friend say, “Get in there rātā. You will be waving on the hilltop in no time. Can’t wait to look up and see you later.” My heart burst!

For anyone looking to engage in tree planting activities in your area, I highly encourage it. There are many resources and opportunities. Below are a few to check out:

Two Million Trees, Wellingon City Council. https://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/projects/two-million-trees

Trees That Count, nationwide. https://www.treesthatcount.co.nz/

Million Trees, Auckland Council. https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/mayor-of-auckland/mayor-priorities/protecting-our-environment/Pages/million-trees.aspx

Million Metres Stream Project, nationwide. https://millionmetres.org.nz/



Catarina Gutierrez
Thankyou Payroll

espresso-fueled photographer. reader of all things art. drinking coffee and riding bikes on @meCatarina