Why we decided to strike and join the Global Climate Strike.

Christina Bellis
Thankyou Payroll
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2019
Thankyou Payroll will be joining the Global Climate Strike on the 27th of September 2019.

Our Customer Success Team volunteered to stay behind — to support our customers — while the rest of the team participate in the Global Climate Strike. After an interesting discussion within the team we decided it was important to continue to support our customers while Thankyou Payroll voiced our concerns with climate crisis. It’s a unique position to be in.

The planet is important to us and so is your business — especially your payroll.

Our offices in Wellington and Dunedin will be closed on Friday the 27th of September from 11AM to 2PM so our team can join the Global Climate Strike.

Why strike?

We recognise the urgency and we support the global movement to reduce our emissions.

The movement was inspired by global activist Greta Thunberg. Greta caught our attention with her unapologetic message demanding action on Climate Change. Her dead-pan delivery was (as she puts it) “black and white” when she asked why politicians haven’t responded to the sustainability crisis.

In her Ted Talk Greta says:

“…instead of looking for hope, look for action.

Then, and only then, hope will come.”

Greta Thunberg

Greta has — deservedly — become a global sensation inspiring young people around the world to confront the older generation about the world they’re leaving behind. The strikes started in schools and have grown to include people from all generations, all around the globe.

This Friday, September the 27th, we’ll be marching in Dunedin and Wellington to voice our concerns about climate crisis. We recognise the urgency and we support the global movement to reduce our emissions.

We discussed the Global Climate Strike and — as a team — we decided to keep our phone lines and support available during the strike. So, you can reach our friendly support team during business hours on 0800 895 146 or help@thankyoupayroll.co.nz

If you’d like to learn more about the Global Climate Strike visit https://globalclimatestrike.net/

Thank you for your support, after all — no planet, no payroll.

Christina Bellis
Thankyou Payroll

