Why it Makes Sense to Take Song Requests

Div Patel
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2022

As a professional DJ, you’re expected to know what songs to play during your performance. A lot of DJs think that taking song requests is unnecessary and even rude. But there are actually several good reasons why it makes sense for your DJ to accept song requests at your event. Here are three.

The audience will enjoy themselves more

When people can request their favorite songs, they feel like they have some control over what happens at an event — and that gives them a greater sense of enjoyment. It also means they’ll be more likely to remember your performance in a positive way when they share their experience with others later on. That can lead to future business opportunities down the road!

It encourages your audience to stay on their feet

One of a DJ’s main jobs is to keep an audience engaged and entertained throughout an event. Taking song requests helps accomplish that goal because it lets people choose their favorite songs, and hopefully even dance along! In contrast, if you just play songs that you think are popular or safe instead of actually gauging what your audience wants to hear, they may simply sit around until they want to leave. That’s not only a bummer for them but also bad for business in general — you don’t want people walking out during your performance!

It builds rapport with your audience

This tip applies mainly to mobile DJs — that is, DJs who travel to events rather than setting up shop at a single location — but it’s still worth mentioning because of how useful it can be. Even if you don’t think you need it right now, remember that in most cases, potential clients will only get to know you through a phone call or email before hiring you for an event. Taking song requests demonstrates your willingness to consider their needs and cater to their tastes, which can go a long way toward building trust with your audience.

Thankyoudj.com — Craft your next event with precision using our comprehensive DJ Requests Platform. With features like pre-event links, QR codes for easy access, and a powerful Spotify search function, we bring the world of music to your fingertips.

