Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Solutions: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices to Build One

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a promising technology to drastically change the traditional financial system. It has the potential to significantly accelerate various services like exchanging funds, trading, and lending. However, developing a secure and efficient DeFi application is challenging.

In this post, we overview the concept of decentralized finance, exploring its use cases and benefits. We also analyze the major pitfalls you can face when building DeFi applications and offer possible ways to overcome them.

What is decentralized finance?

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a concept that covers a variety of financial applications that don’t rely on intermediaries like brokerages, exchanges, or banks. Instead, DeFi uses smart contracts and encourages parties to use cryptocurrencies.

DeFi users don’t need to waste time on long-lasting phone and email conversations with managers, as often happens with conventional financial applications. Instead, they interact with open software protocols through unhosted digital wallets. These wallets are managed by DeFi platform users, not a service provider. Thus, DeFi users have full control over their funds and can perform financial transactions directly with each other.

Because of DeFi’s heavy reliance on different technologies, it’s often mixed up with FinTech, which, in reality, is a wider concept.

How do DeFi solutions work?

To manage financial transactions, DeFi solutions rely on a range of modern technologies.

Types of DeFi applications

Decentralized financial technologies are focused on recreating the entire financial ecosystem, rather than just building software for separate services. DeFi projects can often serve as consumer-facing financial interfaces powered by blockchain and crypto assets.

You can find DeFi products for various purposes, such as insurance services, lending platforms, and currency exchanges. Other use cases are related to new cryptocurrency types like stablecoins and mining types like liquidity mining.

Key benefits of DeFi for businesses

What can go wrong in a DeFi project and how to fix it

The decentralized finance market is still in its early stages of development, which brings lots of pitfalls to early adopters.

Developing an efficient decentralized finance project is a true challenge due to unclear but strict compliance requirements and complicated technologies. However, with a strong understanding of possible pitfalls and an experienced and skillful team, you can build a successful and competitive DeFi product.

Check the full article to get a detailed overview of 6 major challenges of building DeFi solutions and expert tips on how to overcome them.

