Remote Browser Isolation May Help Bolster Your Company’s Cybersecurity


Businesses are shifting to remote work on a massive scale. Meanwhile, cybercriminals are wasting no time in attacking home networks, which are typically less protected than their corporate counterparts. Hackers aim for these easier targets to harvest valuable data and gain access to their main targets: corporate networks.

During 2020, according to Verizon’s DBIR report, there’s been a huge increase in targeted attacks on web browsers as well as in phishing and email breach campaigns. According to Mark Ostrowski, the head of engineering at Check Point, hacker activity in 2020 has reached 120,000 to 130,000 attacks per week.

This situation is encouraging enterprises to search for a secure means of internet access for their employees. One promising solution is zero-trust browsing, or remote browser isolation (RBI). This technology is based on the philosophy of zero trust, in which no one is trusted and everyone is verified.

How RBI Shields Your Network From Cyberattacks

My company has participated in the development of several RBI solutions. In this article, I’ll share how RBI technology can strengthen enterprise cybersecurity.

Similar to zero trust, remote browser isolation technology trusts no websites. It ensures a secure web browsing experience by moving all internet activity to an isolated environment. According to a Gartner, Inc. report (subscription required), by 2022, 25% of enterprises will adopt browser isolation techniques, reducing attacks on end-user systems by 70%.

RBI technology can be implemented in two ways — by isolating a browser locally on a user’s computer or by moving the browser to the cloud, running it in a container or a virtual machine.

An RBI solution enables enterprises to administer remote access to corporate networks and protect unmanaged devices while accessing internet resources. When users access the internet via a remote browser application, they obtain web content in a safe format such as screenshots or plain text. If a malicious link is opened in an isolated environment, an employee’s system is unaffected.

Challenges Of Implementing RBI

RBI is able to protect organizations against known and unknown web-based threats, including ransomware, zero-day exploits and drive-by download attacks. Alongside securing web browsers against attacks, RBI prevents the exposure of a user’s confidential data and browser history, which attackers can also use for malicious purposes.

Could RBI technology be the silver bullet against cybersecurity threats? In theory, yes. In terms of implementation, however, there are still many debates around the costs, scalability and user experience of RBI solutions.

* Maintenance costs. Many organizations refrain from buying RBI solutions because of their high maintenance costs. The reason for their costliness, however, is that virtualization requires massive server resources. Containerization can significantly cut the burden on servers and result in huge cost savings over the long-term.

In addition to server resources, an RBI solution requires constant support to ensure a high level of content sanitization. The more content a company needs to secure, the higher the maintenance costs will be.

* Scalability. For RBI solutions, scalability means how many tabs a user can open in a remote browser application and how many users can access the internet simultaneously. The key challenge is to ensure proper scalability to efficiently adjust the consumption of server resources to the current load. An RBI provider can balance the server load by limiting the number of opened tabs per server or adding more server resources as needed.

It also matters what websites a user opens, as web pages with a lot of dynamic code will place a greater load on servers.

Here’s Where RBI Shines

* User experience. While RBI technology works on protecting a user’s browsing, it may negatively affect the overall user experience in different ways. Some RBI solutions suffer from reduced web browsing speed, while others offer a less attractive visual experience. However, in contrast to antivirus software that just blocks suspicious content, thus making it inaccessible, an RBI solution can provide secure access to content in 95% of cases.

RBI technology is especially effective for high-risk users and use cases. For example, a bank might consider deploying an RBI solution to protect their remote employees’ access to online banking applications.

Unfortunately, RBI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. If your company only has to deal with a limited number of unreliable websites, you can enjoy the benefits of RBI technology without putting much additional burden on your budget. Meanwhile, companies that need to support a huge number of untrusted websites may need to significantly increase their cybersecurity budgets in order to use such a solution.

In any case, RBI is a promising technology that can eliminate web-originated attack vectors and protect organizations against zero-day attacks, which is something no other modern security solution can do.

Originally published at



Dennis Turpitka
Apriorit — Specialized Software Development Company

I am the founder and CEO of Apriorit (, an R&D company that provides software engineering services globally to tech companies for over 19 years