The Real Key to Success? According to Gary Vaynerchuk this is it

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary


How many people do you know always talk about how they are going to be the best at something, only to give up a few weeks later? No matter if it’s in business or in private circumstances, people say they want to become the best in what they do, but many people don’t want to work for it. Most people give up once they see how much effort and talent it costs to become the best at something. And if you don’t have the talent, can you still become the best? Yes, you can!

Leonardo was an artist who could seemingly look into the future to paint things that were not invented, but did you know he also made his own paint? This made him be both the thinker and doer. The combination of chemistry and vision resolved into exceptional results.

The point that I want to make with the example of Leonardo is that both talent and effort are needed. Leonardo could have never painted the way he did if he did not have the knowledge to make his own paint, on the other hand, his vision made it possible to paint seemingly alien technology that would become famous. His combination of talent and skills made him this exceptional person most of us know.

Do I really need to outwork or outsmart people to come out on top?

I believe we can all learn how to become the best at what we do, as long as we realize that we need a combination of talent and skills. But how do we combine these two seemingly distant things and make art? Start by making better systems, manage your time better, never snooze, fulfill your promises, dress the part, take care of yourself. Then it’s time to see who you are and the things you are good at and love to do, those things you want to take action on. See which resources you have, and which ones you need to acquire. Build your own combination of talent and skills and start working, work harder than anyone you know, because the bigger your dreams, the harder you need to work on them, you owe it to yourself. So the answer to the question above is yes, you need to outwork and outsmart people, in a combination that works best for you.

You can wish you are something or you can realize that you are something and try to maximize on that, things change when you stop dwelling on ideas and start doing

Use this energy of creating to master your skill, people don’t give a f*ck about you or your dreams in the way you do, you are the person that can make it happen. And the great thing about creating your dreams is that you can never lose, you either make great progress or you learn, that’s it!

3 ways to outwork and outsmart everyone else

There are many different ways to outthink, outwork, outmaneuver -or however you want to call it- the competition. I made a list of the best three ways to become number one in whatever it is that you do.

The priming effect

denounce — fight — die — soak — death — somber — slain — fears — concerns — dismissed — defiant — avoids — risk — pandemic-handouts

These words will prime your brain with negativity, where did you see these words lately? Exactly, on the news, they are priming our brains to feel negative. So what’s the priming effect I’m talking about?

Thoughts, feelings, and ideas can be pre-loaded because they’re related to feeling you want the reader, listener, or viewer to have. Which would be danger in this case. “I’m scared. I need to play it safe and protect what I have. I can’t afford to take risks.’’

The priming effect can be used for personal growth. You can control the influence you have on your own behaviour by realizing the words you use. I did this myself and I’m sure this is the main reason why I succeed at things, I simply deleted some negative words in my life.

Get on an ‘information diet’

Most of us get distracted easily, I checked my email less than 30 seconds ago to be fair. And this is delaying the things we really love, and the things that’ll bring us further in life. It is safe to say that distractions take your focus away from the good things in life. Tim Ferris suggests going on an information diet to limit the information you absorb. Take the news for example, these days it’s nothing but negativity, also thanks to the priming-effect as mentioned earlier.

As long as your not a politician yourself, do you really need to all the small details about who screwed over who? This kind of distraction is something you can live without, trust me on this. It’s just a waste of time and it degrades your self-image if you ask me.

Planning the next day

This is one of my favorite moments of the day, I take 10 minutes of my evening and write down the things I want to do the next day. And I ask my wife to do the same since it works for me, I want her to have the benefits as well, and you as well. It’s a great way to work towards that goal for next week, next month, and even that longterm goal. The more you think about the things you want to do to get closer to your goal, the easier it gets.

A quick tip: Think about the most important goal in the mid-term to the long term, which is not urgent enough to work on tomorrow. After that, think about something that is important and urgent enough to work on tomorrow. Then think about what’s urgent but not so important. Then start in the morning with the least enjoyable task, after that you take on the important but not urgent task, and lastly your urgent but not important task.

My takeaway on outworking and outsmarting everyone else

I have been working online as an entrepreneur since 2016, and the first two years were full of ups and downs. I have many failures (lessons) and some successes. My income fluctuated between 500 and 900 dollars every month which is ok since my cost of living is low and my wife also makes money. But I set myself the goal of working harder and smarter and get an income of 1000 dollars every month on average the next year. So I started working my ass off and finding ways to improve my processes. I did this for a few months and the results were nice, some months I even made up to 5k!

This result was only possible with determination, knowledge, and the three steps above. I believe that when you combine skill with talent we can all become masters of our trade. Do you plan to outwork everyone else to come out on top, or do you rather work smart? Let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to follow me if you like this article.

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Eric Jan Huizer
That Freelancing Life

Proud Husband, Storyteller, Passionate about (Personal)Growth, Mindset, and Entrepreneurship.