Kyle and Quags’ Mascot Pick-Em: Week 10

Picking football games based on reality is hard, that’s why we don’t do it! Picking football games based on a hypothetical battle of their mascots? Now you’re talking.

Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need
6 min readNov 10, 2016


The only topic that I care about is NFL football. It’s the only thing I think about, the only thing I talk about, the only thing I read about. It’s all there is to me. If someone told me they didn’t care about NFL football, I would be in shock, I would not understand why they didn’t watch NFL football or listen to NFL football on the radio. It is all that matters to me.

Please help.

Browns vs. Ravens

I look at some things and think, “That’s so Raven.” I look at other things and think “That’s not very Raven.”

Kyle: That’s so Raven, (It’s the future I can see), That’s so Raven, (It’s so Mysterious to me). The show wasn’t great, but I had a crush on Chelsea. Raven on the other hand…she was weird then and even weirder now. I don’t really even know what to say about her other than show you this terrifying picture of her

Think she is auditioning for a Rob Zombie movie.

As for the Browns… I’m sick of talking about the Browns. I don’t know what a Brown is, I don’t know what their mascot is, and I got no help from any of the readers last week. I refuse to talk about the Browns.

When you can gaze into the future, life is a breeze… Ravens win.

Quags: Well, the Browns lost again last week, which means my T-Rex theory was obviously bogus. It’s frustrating, thinking you know something is going to happen, getting excited about it, then realizing that no, the thing you thought was going to happen didn’t happen, and the thing that did happen was the opposite of what you thought would happen and ended up disappointing you. Just a strictly football-related thought I had this week after the Browns game.

Anyway Ravens are birds, and they are typically black birds. Black bird was a song, sang by Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney was in a band named the Beatles, who had another song, Yellow Submarine. I always liked that song. There’s no point to this story at all. Like, none. But yeah, the Ravens are definitely going to win.

The ‘You Don’t Know Jack’ Lock of the Week (Giants vs Bengals)

Each week, we have Jack provide us with just one pick we can definitely, surely, without a doubt count on. Maybe.


Can be yours for just 4 easy payments of $69.99

Welcome to the show! For those of you just joining us we have some beautiful pieces available today. These Bangles can be the perfect gift for a loved one, or yourself! We have them available in three colors: the silver, the gold, and the rose gold. The silver piece has been our most popular seller so far today; the rose gold is the most limited, so if you want to get yours you should act fast! With our Preferred Customer Super Saver Quavo QVC discount one can be yours for just four easy payments of $69.99, and again these Bangles are so popular — they are selling so fast, why not think about Christmas and the Holidays coming up. Or maybe a birthday. At these great prices maybe you want to order a few of these! Of course you can also layer them, which is very on trend right now. Mixing your metals is no problem, it is a great, great look.

We have them in three sizes: small, average, and large. Unfortunately, we are out of the Giant size, so if you have any loved ones or relatives who are abnormally large in size or play for the blue and white New York National Football League team (which actually is in New Jersey) we are so sorry that you missed out on this amazing piece. Look at the detailing. Look at the trees. Such intricate designs. Just a quick update for you, we are running low on the silver bangle — only 20 units left so if you want this beautiful piece you should act now. There is no reorder on these pieces so you are going to want to act quickly.

I want to go back to the tree. Think about how beautiful trees are. What trees represent. There is so much symbolism with the tree. You can have that right on your wrist with this beautiful piece. I’m actually wearing 17 of them right now. They are just so gorgeous. Oh, another update for you — we actually are all out of the silver and yellow gold pieces so we have started stealing jewelry from our employees and melting it down to make more of these. Think of how strong trees are. We can all be strong. Wait — I am getting another update. We were supposed to be selling Bengals, the large jungle cat. They are a fierce predator. Obviously, anyone would be drawn to their beautiful striped coat. This is truly a great piece and again only four easy payments of $69.99.

Sorry — I am getting yet another update from my producer. He says I am actually fired, and also Bengals win 28–13.

Please, do not buy me on a home shopping program

Jaguars vs. Texans


Kyle: Don’t have a high opinion of Texans after this election. Hope they get hit by a Jaguar XK this weekend. Jags win.

(I truly wish no harm on any individuals because of their political affiliation. I think. No really, I don’t.)

Quags: Many people think Jaguars are cars that strange, eccentric British people drive but I actually looked into it and was surprised to learn they are, in fact, jungle cats. Who knew!?

Anyway, I know you’re not supposed to mess with Texas and keep Austin weird, and not forget about the Alamo, and to be honest that’s way too much for a jungle cat to remember. I feel like they’ll probably make a weird mistake and get in some kind of trouble. Texans will win.

Nets vs. Suns


Quags: So Kyle took a marketing class in college and they told him to expand his fanbase he should cover new and interesting topics. He suggested we do an NBA game and I was like “fine,” and he said how about Suns vs Nets and I was like “whatever,” and then he kept talking about content marketing opportunities or something but I straight up stopped listening.

Anyway, have you ever been caught in a net? It’s impossible to get out of it. Just look at this scene from the famous movie, “Kung Pow”.

Good luck

Yeah, you’re not getting out of that. Plus, the sun is like, really far away. Too far away, some might say. Nets win.

Kyle: A basketball net vs. the most powerful source of energy in this universe. Here are some fun facts about the sun:

  • 1. The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.
  • 2. Over one million Earth’s could fit inside the Sun.
  • 3. One day the Sun will consume the Earth.

Wait, what? Oh no….have to end this week short.

Week 10 Summary:

Kyle: Ravens, Jaguars, Suns

Quags: Ravens, Texans, Nets


Kyle: 6–9

Quags: 8–4–3

Jack: 1–2

Good luck to all and remember, don’t bet on sports.



Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need

Marketing Strategist | Philadelphian | Routinely Disappointed Buffalo Bills Fan