That Good You Need Part XVI

Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2016

September 29, 2016

It’s easy to get caught up in political drama of the Presidential election. I have admittedly been captured by it myself many times. As the holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, I sometimes tell people that a special skill of mine is being annoying at parties.

Over my life I’ve held political beliefs that range all over the spectrum, depending not only on the issue but also on the time in my life. At this point I tend to believe that the ability to compromise and work well with others, while occasionally pushing through an agenda you feel is of the utmost importance, is more crucial than what one might believe at a core level. Politics change, issues shift, movements come and go, but the ability to make the machine work and lay the groundwork so that it might continue working after you’ve left office is key to a successful career in public office.

Equally as important as the Presidency are local, state, and legislative elections. Too often these contests, which probably have a larger effect on the life of constituents than the Presidential election, are mere afterthoughts, pushed to the side by the majority of citizens. That should not be the case! Instead of being whipped into a frenzy by whichever party nominee you support for President and voting down the ballot for that party, do some research and find out who you really agree with in elections other than the one begging you for attention every minute of the day. This will make you a much, much more responsible citizen.

Finally, remember that healthy debate is just that, healthy. Try to honestly see things from the other side from time to time. Obviously, there are some extremist viewpoints that do not deserve the time of day. Those removed, you become a much better person, more educated, more informed, more compassionate, if you refuse to immediately dismiss those you disagree with. There’s a reason the country is virtually split down the middle politically, and that reason is not because half of the people are not as smart as you are.

But like I said, there are certainly exceptions. Use your best judgement. And now, a seamless transition into That Good You Need.

THOUGHTS on Ginsburg’s Address to Georgetown Law

Shout out to fellow Lyons, NY native George Damian Dobbins! George, a student at Georgetown Law (stunt) does a fine job of expanding on the idea of seeking out viewpoints you don’t necessarily agree with and trying to understand why that is so. He also emphasizes that finding someone you can rely on for constructive arguments will help you build your own identity.

Finally, he discusses the idea that we’re not always tied to our political opinions in a rational way, but emotionally connected to them. We feel conservative or liberal in a deeper sense. I tend to think of it as if we’re not voting for and pushing on people, ideas, or progress, but our team. Paul Ryan tried to make this kind of analogy during primary season, and failed miserably, but ultimately his logic is holding. Most Republicans will vote that way no matter who’s running, and the same goes for most Democrats. George helps us understand why that might be.

Worst. President. Ever.

Courtesy of the Library of Congress

And now, perspective! Yes, the election is important but, and hear me out here, it will probably be ok.

Robert Strauss, esteemed Bad Presidentologist (a real thing) goes in on James Buchanan and shows us just how bad it can really get. There were many opportunities for Buchanan to stand in the way of the Civil War and he just…sort of…did nothing. Here’s to hoping that whoever wins this November, they won’t act in the way Buchanan did.

21 Takes That Deserve the “Woo! OK!” Hillary Shimmy Reaction

TFW You have the best temperament, the greatest temperament, and no one has ever seen a temperament like yours

Shout out to The Ringer dot com for providing us with some quality bubble gum content in this trying time.

It’s ok to have fun.

James Ellsworth on Talk Is Jericho

Not a great day at work…OR IS IT?

James Ellsworth has been grinding on the independent wrestling circuit for a long time. A few months ago, he finally got his chance in the WWE.

The problem is, he was only booked for a squash match, a short and sweet event that results in a dominant guy (in this case, Braun Strowman, pictured above) destroying a weak guy (the aforementioned James). Still, James cut a heck of a promo, had a memorable look, and took the beating like a pro. As a result, he became wildly popular and was welcomed back to the WWE for additional appearances. Make the most of your opportunity!

Chris Jericho, interesting as ever, gives Ellsworth some quality time here to talk about where he’s from, how he got here, and how he positioned himself for success.

Thanks, Chris.

Drink it in, man

What Snapchat Should Invent Next

Courtesy of The Ringer

When Snapchat debuted, people laughed. Called it a sexting app. Joked about what absurdity those dang millennials would come up with next.

Now, Snapchat has more than 60 million daily users in the US and was valued at somewhere around $20 billion in a recent fundraising round last spring.

What’s next? Well, the company now known as Snap, Inc. has decided that what you really want to do is avoid the hassle of recording on your phone and slip on some $130, video recording glasses. Normally we would dismiss this as absurdity, but given the company’s successful history, it doesn’t seem responsible to do so. Instead, Kate Knibbs makes some v good suggestions for Snap, Inc.’s next product. Pizza Uber plz.

That does it for this week’s That Good! As the election winds down, remember to stay calm, and don’t be afraid of some reasonable debate. I’m going to spend the week trying to sell my Google Glass on eBay.



Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need

Marketing Strategist | Philadelphian | Routinely Disappointed Buffalo Bills Fan