The Under 30: Rachel Levine

The Under 30 is a series that explores the lives of the young people around us. Learn more about why we’re doing it here.

Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need
4 min readFeb 3, 2017


Rachel Levine // 26 (and a half) // New York City // Digital Account Manager

I don’t mean to be too meta here, but if you’ve been keeping up with these pieces you know I typically have an anecdote I share about whoever the piece is about. Usually, it reflects back onto them and helps to tell their story.

With Rachel, I faced a bit of a challenge. I know Rachel well but there hadn’t been any kind of defining moment with her that I could call back to. As a result, I asked her to send me something, a funny story, something about New York, an awkward moment, something I could reference for her story.

A few days later, she sent me something much better. Presented in full, unabridged, here is Rachel Levine.

“So I’ve been thinking about a “funny story” about moving to NYC and I just don’t have one. I got an internship that turned into a full-time job at the end of August after graduation, and moved from Philly to NYC quickly. My move was pretty easy. I slept on my sisters’ couch for a couple weeks until I found an apartment via Craigslist across the street. Yes, across the street from the apartment my sisters shared. I had my own bathroom, a backyard, and really nice roommates. One of which I still live with in the same apartment 3 years later. I eventually got laid off from my job and didn’t find a full-time position for five months. In those five months I watched more Netflix than you could ever imagine. And boyyyyy did I sleep a lot.

Oh, I also worked as a hostess at Brother Jimmy’s, the southern BBQ Themed sports bar chain. Yes, I had to wear plaid shirts and cowboy boots and be fake nice to drunk people who were watching college football and creepy old men getting after work PBRs.

And in between all that I don’t really have any good one night stand stories or crazy subway experiences. I think I got called “white bitch” in union square once…but honestly it put the biggest smile on my face.

So, although I think I resemble Carrie Bradshaw (others tell me this too) I don’t think I am living her New York City life. Sometimes I feel more like Miranda, ordering take out alone and hoping I don’t choke. But life is still awesome for the most part and I cannot imagine living anywhere else at this point in my life. Sometimes I walk outside and think holy shit I live here. HERE! New York fucking city!!!! And after this election apparently the best bubble in the world!!!! And I’m doing okay.”

Live your life!

Bug out

Straight From the Source

What’s your Favorite Hobby?

I realized recently I don’t really have any hobbies! I really enjoy video editing and wish I did more of it. So, I am saving up for Final Cut Pro and hopefully will upload more videos to my very small, very boring YouTube channel. Here is a link to a video I made about hot dogs while I was very unemployed and very bored!

What’re you most proud of?

I would like to say graduating from college because that’s a BFD, but I hate to say I expected to do that and didn’t work THAT hard at it. So, I think taking control of my anxiety and successfully working on it this past year is what I am most proud of.

Where do you hang out?

Central Perk with Monica and Phoebe. But when I’m not there, I would say anywhere my sisters are and hopefully that’s a bar or a couch.

What would your ideal job/career be?

Total fantasy job: The person that works on the soundtrack/original score for movies. The “HER” original score changed my life.

Somewhat attainable job: Working with YouTube/Google and partnerships between content creators and brands. Know someone at Google? Hit me up!

What’s the best advice you would give?

Seriously, stop worrying about what other people think. Do YOU like that shirt? Then wear it. Do YOU like that person? Then don’t wait for them to text you. Oh also — learn how to properly use a credit card and save money from a young age.

What do you wish you did more of?

Reading, taking more videos of everything and nothing, calling my grandma, yoga, dating, standing up for myself, dancing

Why didn’t you make Forbes 30 Under 30?

Well… I can’t code, I can’t carry a tune, I don’t have a PHD, I didn’t figure out how to make cars fly, I didn’t fall into social media fame (yet…) and honestly I probably slept through the deadline to nominate myself. I have 3 more years, so watch out.

You can keep up with Rachel here.



Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need

Marketing Strategist | Philadelphian | Routinely Disappointed Buffalo Bills Fan