Top Ten of the Week: December 10, 2017

Sinclair Budapest
That Good You Need
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2017

HERE BELOW is the top ten of this week, starting December 10, the year of our Lord 2017.

As we’ve been fully entrenched in the holiday season, it’s times like this where I like to give back to my community. I’ve spent the last week or so contributing to my favorite charity, Sea Turtles for Change, in beautiful Barbados. I’ve been revitalized in the polarizing sun of the Caribbean, and would like to share my experiences with you.

Sea Turtles

To start off, the man of the hour! It is a well known fact that dogs are man’s best friend, but the sea turtle is definitely a close second. Sea turtles are known to eat jellyfish, keeping the beaches and water safer for their human friends. While I was cleaning sea turtles on the western shores of Barbados, I was greeted lovingly by my new turtle friends. And if I dozed off on the beach, those tricksters would sneak in and eat my crackers! What a rascal of an animal.

Excuse me, make way. It is I, the sea turtle.

Sugar Cane

My children want to eat candy all the time, but I don’t let them because it’s very unhealthy. Instead, they can help themselves to a scoop of raw sugar if they’d like. That’s because sugar is actually a plant. Yes, the sugar you know and love comes from the earth, in the form of sugar cane. Barbados is full of sugar cane, and I would often snack on a few stalks in between rescuing turtles. The sugar cane gave me a natural energy boost I had never experienced before. It must have been the antioxidants.


Clop-clop-clop. Is that a horse? Haha, no, you dummy! It’s a coupl’a coconuts, banging together. Coconuts are the delicious fruit that serves many purposes. It’s meat can be used for food and Almond Joys. The liquid inside is a refreshing elixir on a hot day. And, like I mentioned, you can bang those bad boys together as a musical instrument! There were many times when I saw live music being played on the island. I was so enthralled, I went to join the band to add my own unique blend of coconut stylings to their sound. They stopped playing their music after I did this.

Marvel’s Doctor Strange, The Major Motion Picture

Talk about a…strange movie! Haha, do you get it? I made a joke. Doctor Strange is a movie about a doctor who loses his ability to use his hands, which is important for a doctor. He goes to a far away land where Tilda Swinton teaches him how to use magic. And boy, was he good at magic! Some of the spells used genuinely captivated me into a euphoric state. Although I missed the first half hour of this movie, I have to say I recommend it beyond so many others.

The magic sorceress herself, Tilda Swinton


As I’ve mentioned before, I love me a good towel. So when I heard that Barbados is loaded with beaches on their coast, I knew I had to test drive my newest textile! The beaches of Barbados are spectacular. The sand is so white and the water so blue, I never wanted to leave! There was one day where I didn’t wear as much sunscreen as I planned, and got sun poisoning as a result.

Tropical Drinks

What goes hand-in-hand with a day on the beach? Well, it’s a tropical drink! Tropical drinks really give you a great taste of the island life. The flavors and fruits really had me entrenched in the island lifestyle. Tropical drinks come in alcoholic or virgin styles. I’m pretty sure the latter of which means the drink has never made love before. With a few tropical drinks in my belly, I was rearin’ to go for a night on the town. I had quite the array of moves on the dance floor. I was so good that everyone cleared the floor for me to show my moves! At least I think that’s why.

My new friend, Dale, from my trip. And he’s drinking a tropical drink.

Steel Drum

Have you ever heard the song Under the Sea? Ba-da da da-da, da da-da da da. Under the sea! Haha, I love the song. That song heavily uses the steel drum, which is also heavily used in the music of the caribbean. The smooth twang of the steel drum was one of my favorite parts of my trip. If you have the chance to hear the sound, or even take one for a spin yourself, I very much think you should.


I’ve been drinking a lot of tea recently, after a spell of illness. And I have to say, it’s something to get your hands on. Tea is quite tasty and comes in many flavors. I’ve been drinking chamomile at night before bed to lull me into a sleepy state. If I’m feeling particularly festive at night, I’ll even sneak a bit of bourbon into my tea to spice it up a bit. My family tells me it could become a problem, but I’ve never slept better after my bourbon tea.

