Top Ten of the Week: November 5, 2017

Sinclair Budapest
That Good You Need
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2017

HERE BELOW is the top ten of this week, starting November 5, the year of our Lord 2017.

The Cinema

“Shhh! We’re in a MOVIE THEATER,” the citizen behind me said while I was explaining the plot of Snow Dogs to my (ex) wife. Movie theaters are a sacred place to film lovers everywhere. They hold the newest flicks on the big screen and really provide you with a great environment to “let loose” from society a bit. They even serve snacks and beverages you can purchase with your own money that can only enhance your viewing experience. To me, there’s nothing better on this planet than grabbing a big ‘ol bucket of buttery popped corn and a cola to scarf down while your favorite characters or heroes are solving the crime or saving the day.


Brr! Do you feel that? That’s a cool breeze right there! Did you leave the door open? If so, please close it. I do not want a racoon or a thief to enter the house. The best way to prepare against our changing seasons? How about a warm and cozy sweater! Whether in cashmere, a V-neck, or cardigan, I think sweaters are here to make a comeback this season. I prefer a long, pleated sweater because it best shows off my abstract figure.

Don’t let this adorable little critter fool you. If you don’t properly protect your favorite sweaters, this creature will devour them.

Young Sheldon

Oh boy! I’ve spent the last few months on a chipmunk trapping expedition in Czechoslovakia and it appears I’ve been missing out on one of the biggest new television shows this side of the Atlantic (ocean). The show is about a character named Sheldon, and he happens to be young. I haven’t watched the show personally, but you won’t believe the types of adventures this Sheldon gets himself into. According to this week’s commercials, he squares off with a “mee-maw.” If you’re looking for a riotously funny show to get into this fall, it has to be the Young Sheldon show.

Short Stories

What better way to get wrapped up in a wonderful adventure than the pastime of reading? A short story is a great way to immerse yourself in a captivating tale when you don’t have the luxury of spending your time reading a novel. Only have a few moments to spare at the office, but don’t want to engage in “water cooler talk” to pass the time? A short story is the way to go. Sorry Ben in human resources, I do not want to talk about the last-second score in the basketball game last night. But I will happily read the Ron Weasley fan fiction I happened upon this morning.

Water Bottles

Sometimes I’m just so thirsty. But I can’t bring my sink around with me all the time, can I? Friends, worry no more. Because water bottles are here to the rescue. The purpose of a water bottle is to fill with water so that you can carry it around and drink. You might even feel the urge to put another type of drink inside the bottle if you’re trying to mix things up a bit. Except for soup. Please, oh Lord, do NOT put a steamy, hot soup in a water bottle. If you tend to get thirsty during the day, I’d surely say you’re missing out if you aren’t equipped with one of these bad boys.

Coffee Shop

I’ve talked at length on this site and at seminars about how much I love coffee. Mm-MMM! But do you know what? I also love the home of coffee, the coffee shop. The “cafe.” The delicatessen. Coffee shops are a great way to grab a cup of coffee! Also if you like tea or pastries and other baked goods, most coffee shops also offer the benefit of purchasing them for consumption. I also love coffee shops because they offer a quaint environment to read a book or paper, or even to get work done. During my stint living in Ingolstadt, while I was penning my German murder-mystery novel, “Der Mord an der Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän,” I often spent time writing in a cozy little Bavarian cafe. Across the globe, you can’t go wrong! A cafe is easy to find and might just be the right spot for you.

I love to spend time with my friends, and we spend it at the coffee shop.


Three years ago, I made the discovery of a lifetime. And that is tupperware. Have you ever cooked food but made a little too much? As it so turns out, Tupperware is a great method of keeping food for an extended period of time without it going bad. Just take your meal or snack, pop that bad boy into a tupperware, and toss it in the refrigerator or cabinet, depending on the necessity to provide cooler temperatures to the food. I’ll never go back to my old method of carrying my food around with me in my hands so I could eat it all before spoiling!


Folks, I don’t know about you, but I love music. It really does speak to me on an existential level that most other people can’t experience. If you, too, listen to music, I have to tell you that earbuds are the way to go. The soft silicone tips of the earbuds fit perfectly into ears, and the box even comes with different sizes to fit different holes. I love the sound of the bass and the treble that my earbuds provide. There are even wireless blue-toothed earbuds that don’t have a long, clunky wire. This is great for me so I don’t keep tangling my arms and legs in the long rubber rope that provides magic to my ears. Whether I’m listening to some of my most beloved artists like Steely Dan, or a podcast to keep up with what’s on people’s minds, earbuds have really improved that experience for me.


Today is my beloved Lucas’ birthday. Please take part in wishing him a happy birthday, but DO NOT touch or hug him please. I will be doing the hugging on everyone’s behalf.

Don’t let these beautiful smiles fool you. She has taken my my sweet boy against my will.

