Python Log 0

A Guy
Ryan the Data Guy
1 min readJul 7, 2022


So one thing to mention before you read is that I have experience using Python. The primary things I’ve done with it are:

  • PyAutoGUI automation to play video games,
  • web scraping using both Selenium, BeautifulSoup4 and requests,
  • using OpenCV for image recognition primarily for automating playing video games using ADB with emulation,
  • using Python to connect my phone/emulators using ADB to play video games.

As you can see, I prefer to automate playing games now rather than playing them. Personally I find it more enjoyable. I also want to be clear that I only know how to use requests.get(), so barely anything, a bit of BeautifulSoup4, some Selenium.

If we take a look at this video Mastering Python — Everything You Need To Know To Become a Python Master from Tech With Tim then I can safely place myself at the very beginnings of the intermediate level.

So for now, I’m going to relearn the basics following this course from Coursera, Introduction to Python. This is more to make sure I actually know what I’m doing and not arbitrarily placing myself as an intermediate while having knowledge gaps of the basics.

So that’s me and now, towards my journey of becoming a Data Engineer.



A Guy
Ryan the Data Guy

I love gaming especially old-school jRPGs, I love them to this day. Now I’ve come to love automating everything and placing things into databases. Super fun.