Half a Year Later… Seriously?! It took 6 months!!

That Special Something that inspired me
2 min readJan 20, 2015


It took exactly 6 months for the publisher to decide whether to approve my stickers for the Creators Section. Maybe because it’s not unique, not up to standard, not special. I almost gave up, almost forgotten that my creations existed somewhere in the internet. Not that I wanna complain… but I almost lost hope — thinking to myself: Maybe designing isn’t my ‘thing’.

It’s like planting a seed and nothing is happening… You wish it becomes a beanstalk, then you can climb up to the sky and meet the giant, so you can take the golden goose and talking harp. However, the seed remains in the soil, only to realize that the seedlings appear after a period of time that feels like a zillion years, and only at that specific juncture when you feel like giving up.

Waiting is always a tedious process, but it is also a form of skill — to grow up as a patient human. It’s an innate characteristic that makes you special, makes you likable among people and best of all, facilitate effective communication (and if you didn’t realize, you are a prized possession).

Today, I realized that the initial response is usually not representative of the overall outcome. You might be complaining why all that hard work requires so much time but when the fruits of labor finally come to your doorstep, you will probably be boasting on how much effort you actually put in, taking pride of the rewards that you finally obtain.

Yes, my reward is still in process of delivery. I might have gotten approved (and I’m extremely satisfied). But now, I just have to make it to the market, to get people to buy it. I know one day it will succeed. Yeah.

My Final fruits of labor that I’m gonna sell in the market : https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/1039369/en

  • Kai



That Special Something that inspired me

I laugh to spread my happiness. I cry to pour out my sorrow. I smile to remind myself that I've so many wonderful people around!