Life is unfair and we always feel that way.

That Special Something that inspired me
1 min readApr 3, 2016
Life can be seen as unfair. Some clouds are bigger than the others but in the end, they are just part of the water cycle…

That resentment. That sudden urge to become violent because you feel that things are not going right for you. Life is unfair and I know how you feel…

I want that approval, that acceptance, that favorable situation to happen to me. However, luck is not always on my side. The worst thing to happen — You do so much but your efforts are only a contribution to someone else results.

What most people do? They complain. They tell others. They repeat the story over and over again. Friends listen but they start to get annoyed and you become unpopular. You start to feel isolated by your peers.

But why? Why did you even feel that injustice when you can take every obstacle as a life lesson. So what if you are at a disadvantage? You actually get to challenge yourself and climb higher. Stay strong and you will finally realize life is unfair because you see it as so.

Life is fair only when you realize how much you are actually worth…

#ifyoucangetwhatiamtryingtosay ;) -Life is fair.

Stop complaining and learn to accept that you are special because you are the only individual to experience what you can only experience.



That Special Something that inspired me

I laugh to spread my happiness. I cry to pour out my sorrow. I smile to remind myself that I've so many wonderful people around!