Indian Weddings 

in Black and White

2 min readFeb 9, 2014

Indian Weddings are colorful. Very colorful. Its not just the bride and the groom who are wearing colorful and expensive clothes. Everybody else is as well.

There are many items involved in the wedding ritual. Flowers, colored powders, dolls, crafts made of dry coconuts. Everything vibrant and colorful.

I was not the person hired to shoot during the wedding. I shot a few photos and I shot everything in Black and White. I just loved to take away all the colors. Here are a few. Shot with a fixed lens Leica X2. Images are unmodified jpegs from the camera.

The Bride with her cousins. Priests in the background
Anticipation — A cloth separates the bride and the groom. Everybody waits for this cloth to be removed.
Dhaare: A ritual in south Indian wedding when the bride is escorted to the mantap by her maternal uncle and stands facing the groom, separated by a antarpata (white cloth). At the right muhurtham the cloth is removed and they shower each other with a mixture cumin seeds and jaggery. The person who puts the mixture first on the other’s head is believed to dominate their relationship!
It is traditional for the sisters on the bride side to steal something from the groom during the ceremony and then extort money from him in exchange. In this photo, you can see the groom paying up!

