Venture Capital Is Changing ….Again

Keith Teare
That Was The Week
Published in
14 min readMay 14, 2021


That Was The Week 2021, #19

By Keith Teare • Issue #19 • View online

Back in the day, Venture Capital was simple. Raise a fund, pick the best startups and invest in the A round, follow on at the B and C, when revenue gets to a certain point (a variable) go and do an IPO, possibly preceded by a mezzanine round. Exit and go again. Not any more.



A more personal editorial this week.

Back in the day, Venture Capital was simple. Raise a fund, pick the best startups and invest in the A round, follow on at the B and C, when revenue gets to a certain point (a variable) go and do an IPO, possibly preceded by a mezzanine round. Exit and go again. Not any more.

There was one type of entity at the time, a venture capital fund. And startups had one place to go, Sandhill Road in Menlo Park, California.



Keith Teare
That Was The Week

Founder at SignalRank Corporation. Publisher of That Was The Week, Founder at Founding TechCrunch investor