Source: Kuba Bozanowski.

Leveraged Buyout Of The United States.

This is why U.S. can print its way out of any crisis.

George Salapa
Published in
9 min readApr 10, 2020


In 2016, I wrote in Forbes why Twitter should better change to become a public good — a paid announcement tool of sorts for the prominent only. The question I tried to answer was simple: is Twitter’s user base (and hence revenue line) inherently limited to affluent people with some form of a media exposure and a desire to be heard? With Twitter’s share price near its all-time lows, despite three years of Jack Dorsey’s magic, reinventing Twitter, I suspect that question is still relevant.

Source: Forbes.

Twitter is an excellent medium. I am not suggesting it is going away, of course. But it is also representative of a generation of businesses that came to be after 2007 meltdown; companies propelled by QE-drunk world. The 07 crisis ushered the world into an era of easy money. We’ve just lived through a decade of the most hated bull market in history, and it was hated for a reason. The growth was not based on fundamentals but debt. Money became cheap, leverage was easy. That is, money was easy but only for the already affluent elite.



George Salapa

Founder finstora. Thoughts on money & culture. Some poetry. Mostly recycled literature. Wrote for Forbes and Venturebeat before.