Working Dad: RIP Jack Welch — That’s Dad Stuff The Working Dad

Brian Shay
That’s Dad Stuff
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Working Dad: RIP Jack Welch: Today the business world is sad to hear the news of former chairman and CEO of GE, J ack Welch’s passing. People know Jack Welch by several different names, Mr. Chairman, CEO, Icon, Neutron Jack and Manager of the Century. I would use a couple of words to describe Jack, Visionary Leader. You may be thinking, uh… “Its Mr. Welch”… or “How would you know that he is a visionary leader?”…But hey, I get it, but let me explain…

The Jack Welch Management Institute (JWMI) MBA

I received my MBA from the Jack Welch Management Institute, JWMI. The entire MBA program was designed to break away from the college/MBA mold. Unlike some other programs, JWMI is an online program that is designed for those that are working professionals. Keeping that in mind that it makes sense that JWMI breaks away from business “theories”, it’s all about applying what you learn. Learning something on Monday, and applying it on Tuesday is what JWMI is all about. It’s the Real-MBA.

Knowing Jack

Going through the program, you get to the point that you feel like you know Jack. That’s why for most of us, it wasn’t Mr. Welch; it was Jack. Again, breaking away from the business “theories”, he is ingrained in so much of the program. For example, he participated in each weekly lesson, and also offered opportunities for the students to ask him questions. Furthermore, his explanation of the many topics really helped us understand the real-world applicability of the topics, and when Jack or the professors taught the subject matter, it absolutely made sense. Forget the theories… just apply “Jack’s Way”

The MBA program was the most challenging time I may have gone through. I’m a husband and father. Trying to balance everything led to my post Getting an MBA with Work, Kids, Wife, and a Life. It was so hard, yet so rewarding.

I encourage you to learn more about JWMI and understand the business mind of Jack.

You won’t be sorry.


Originally published at on March 2, 2020.



Brian Shay
That’s Dad Stuff

That’s Dad Stuff I’m a Dad of two daughters, and I’m lucky to be married to my bride for 15 years.