Good Will Hunting and what we owe each other

This week, I passed a milestone and broke a promise

Tom Rippon
“That’s not a movie blog!”
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Credit: Miramax

In case you were counting, thanks — I passed a small follower milestone last week. And in case you were counting, sorry — I broke a big promise to those followers.

“New things every Wednesday” was my intention when I started this blog, so I wrote it in the description. You may or may not have seen it. You may or may not have noticed that I didn’t post a “new thing” last Wednesday. It’s not the first time I’ve missed a week and it likely won’t be the last. I’d usually not give it another thought. Any other week, I’d just watch another film and write something new.

But this week, I watched Good Will Hunting and it made me think about what we owe each other.

Let me clarify. I am not for one moment suggesting that I am to movie blogs what Will Hunting is to polymathy. I don’t possess some gift indebting me to the betterment of mankind like Matt Damon’s Will owes it to Ben Affleck’s Chuckie to get out of Boston and go do something with his life. But if you took the time to read something I wrote and hit the “follow” button, I do owe you. Because when this story appears on your homepage, it takes a spot that could’ve belonged to something else. Maybe that spot would’ve only been filled by another post bemoaning the Medium algorithm. But maybe it could’ve belonged to something special.

Maybe it’s premature to think this way at such a small milestone. But better early than late. I can’t promise that I’ll have a new thing for you every Wednesday. But I’ll keep it in the description as a reminder that, as long as you’re subscribed, I owe it to you.



Tom Rippon
“That’s not a movie blog!”

I write about books, movies, stories – you know, the same stuff you like.