I Saw a U.F.O. Flying Next to the Boeing in Which I was a Passenger.

It was unidentified, flying, and definitely an object. The full moon was large and round and shimmered in the background.

Tessa Schlesinger
That’s Over the Top, Madam!
5 min readMay 22, 2021


Are we alone? The answers may be near than we think. Pixabay Killepics

It was somewhere in the middle of the 70s. I was flying between Johannesburg (South Africa) and Port Elizabeth, my hometown. About an hour or so before we landed, I looked out the window and there was a round disc hovering. For a moment, I thought it was the moon, but then I espied the moon behind it — large, round, full, and shedding its light.

I watched that disc for about five minutes, trying to figure out what it was. Then, because I couldn’t, I turned to the guy sitting next to me and asked him what it was. “The moon,” he said. I was then tempted to ask him if we now had two moons but thought better of it.

I duly landed, went home, and the next morning, at my late father’s apartment, I saw the headlines in the morning paper. The E.P. Herald had a mass of photos of that flying disc. I told my father I had seen it the previous evening. He told me that the Herald had called him to ask him what it was. My father was the president of the astronomical society and his nickname was ‘Herr Professor.’ Of course, it was also ‘the late Mr. Schlesinger,’ because he was always late. I asked my father what he had told them. He said ‘balled lightning.’

It wasn’t as if my late father didn’t think space travel was impossible. He was at the same university as Einstein and met the man several times. As with many young men in those days, he was fascinated by the ‘great man.’ My late father also lectured and wrote about these things. The earliest posters I have date from the 40s.

My late father was fascinated by all things astronomical, so I’m not quite sure why he thought that moon shaped disc that floated in the sky for quite a substantial amount of time was balled lightning. Own photos.

In any event, I have never known what it was I saw, but in the light of the article in the Telegraph (British conservative newspaper), the description is too similar to what I saw to dismiss it. I generally compartamentalize things I do not have an explanation for. The file is labeled “Awaiting more evidence.’

So Do U.F.Os Exist?

Well, they do, don’t they? They’re unidentified because we don’t know what they are. They’re flying — no doubt about that. And they are objects — not people or animals. So, yes, they definitely exist. The more pertinent questions are rather what they are and if these craft are navigated by life-forms from distant planets.

According to the article in the Telegraph, the Pentagon now refers to these sightings as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. I’m not quite sure what’s in a name, but Romeo was quite sure the name didn’t make a difference when he said, “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

According to the story in the Telegraph, it was Donald Trump who demanded to have the full details conerning U.F.O.s made public. On the other side of the ocean, Nick Pope, a British civil servant said, “What’s really elevated this is the sheer number, and position, of people now speaking out, saying we’re dealing with something that must be taken seriously. When top guns, who don’t impress easily, get excited about the capability of these objects, their speed, manoeuvrability, trans-medium travel in water and air… that gets my attention. The pilot testimony is important, but there is so much more: radar data, infrared, measurement and signature intelligence… “

In the video below, you will see a round moon-like object flying. That is what I saw. And I watched it for a good ten minutes.

The US Military and Intelligent Services Study U.F.Os

Despite years of denial, it now seems that these unidentified objects have been the focus of study by military officials for quite some time. They were funded as well. Senator Harry Reid pushed through $22 million in 2007 in order to study this phenomena. Luis Elizondo headed the black ops operation but later resigned because he wasn’t taken seriously.

According to Elizonda, they were able to draw the following conclusions:

  • The objects reached speeds of up to 8,000 mph
  • They were often spotted near nuclear power stations
  • There was never any hostility
  • They traveled at the speed of sound without a sonic boom

Other sources have witnessed that they are able to travel under water as well as through the air. They can go enormous heights and enormous distances in a few seconds. can stop in mid air without dropping out of the sky, and they can reverse direction.

Are These UAPs Navigated by Aliens?

Nobody wants to mention the word ‘aliens.’ The probable cause of that is that they might appear foolish, and who wants to look stupid?

So here are some possibilities of what they could be.

  1. Perhaps there’s a Pellucidar underneath our earth where another civilisation exists. Or maybe there is another civilisation under the sea. After all, these crafts can dip into the sea. We do not know if we are alone on this earth. We might not be.
  2. There are immortals or a long living species who are based in our solar system , but not necessary on our earth. Perhaps they live in Asgard and vacation on Mount Olympus. Maybe they’re people from the long-lost island of Atlantis, and they now live on the Dark Side of the Moon, and they come visit us to see if we’ve become any more civilized yet.
  3. Perhaps there are aliens out there, and perhaps they are visiting us, and perhaps they really have been capturing people and examing them. Perhaps it’s all an experiment, and they want to see how our civilization pans out, and how long it takes us to destroy ourselves. Or perhaps, they’re stranded. Perhaps they take some form of energy from our Nuclear Power Stations, and that gives them enough energy to stay near our planet, but not enough to take the long ride home to Central Empire.

The bottom line here is that we don’t know. What is certain is that the U.S. Armed Forces and Black Ops have been studying this for a long time, and they have kept us in the dark. It’s also been said that while they will give us some information, they will not give us all.

I wonder if there was a reason that Trump wanted to create a Space Force, or if he was just living in Dilly-Willy land. I think it’s going to be a while before we find out the small print on this one.

On another note, I’ve shared my UFO experience.

What’s yours?


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Tessa Schlesinger
That’s Over the Top, Madam!

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.