How to write for TWHOH

Melissa Hawks
That’s What’s Happening Over Here


HELLO, HUMANS. I’m glad you’re here and I want to know your details. We all do. Look, we’re pretty obsessed with the details of each other’s lives. Take a look around you…Facebook, Twitter, IG…Snapchat. But I think we really want the deeper story. Let’s cut the surface highlight crap and get into the what’s happening on the inside. Let’s talk about your heart.

I want to know who you are and how you’re changing and how you see the world.

So do my readers. So, hit me up, boo boo. Send me a link to your posted or unposted piece on Medium or send me the draft and I’ll be happy to work through it with you. This is just a labor of love at the moment, so I don’t have the funds to pay you. But if you want to grow as a writer and build writing community and figure out life through your details, those are things I can offer.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to give you more. For now it’s just vulnerability and the offering of pie if you ever come through Nashville.

A little about me: I’ve been writing online since 2003, though you won’t be able to find my work going back that far (thank all the divine things). I helped run and online magazine called Bedlam Mag for almost two years, where I was an editor and Director of Operations. I have a graduate degree in library science, have been an academic and public librarian, have ran my own brand consulting business, and currently do all the training and education for a social marketing and sales outsourcing start-up in Nashville.

My passions are humans, stories, and pie. And probably you. Tell me your things. I want to hear them.


