#WhatLifeTaughtMe — Findings from Twitter
@Teddy_Tags #WhatLifeTaughtMe The best medicine is laughter.
@jamielynn8282 #WhatLifeTaughtMe is that being kind to others doesn’t cost a thing.
@Teddy_Tags #WhatLifeTaughtMe Never eat the big white mint in a men’s urinal.
@KeshaTedder #WhatLifeTaughtMe Always try to be honest, unless it involves the word fat.
@TomMalvaso #WhatLifeTaughtMe Have thicker skin and don’t be afraid to say what you think
@KeshaTedder #WhatLifeTaughtMe To make the most of the day because it could be your last.
@Johnsense38 Two wrongs don’t make a right….but three rights make a left. #WhatLifeTaughtMe
@jimishbathia #WhatLifeTaughtMe get it right the first time.. there is no edit feature in life just like Twitter
@Alohababe2011 It’s like a box of chocolates, you eat the whole damn box in one sitting, get diabetes and die probably #WhatLifeTaughtMe
@Jessberrie #WhatLifeTaughtMe cherish your child everyday if you have one, in a blink of an eye-they’re grown up and moved away!
@AbdullahJomar Always say less than necessary, and don’t reveal too much. #WhatLifeTaughtMe
@Yaila73 Better alone and happy rather than together and deeply unhappy. #WhatLifeTaughtMe #regretfully