The Úll Train has just pulled up to my stop.

Dermot Daly
The Úll Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2017

Úll started with Paul meeting me for coffee and saying

I want to do a conference for Apple enthusiasts. I’ve even got a great name for it.

That was the entire pitch. We didn’t know then if we’d do 1 show, or many, but looking back, 5 shows has exceeded my expectations.

As our ambitions evolved, the work and headspace needed to put on the show grew; during this time, Tapadoo, my “day job” continued to thrive too. Last year I felt that it was very difficult to give my best to both. I guess I’ve never been a great multi-tasker: when my attentions where in Úll, I felt Tapadoo was suffering, if I switched focus to Tapadoo, I was wasn’t happy with my efforts for Úll. I’m incredibly proud of Tapadoo, and I’m incredibly proud of Úll, and I feel it’s not right to give less than 100% to either; so one had to give.

So, I’ve stepped down in my role of co-organiser of Úll.

Through the conference, I’ve met the most wonderful group of people, many of whom I now call friends. There’s way too many people to thank. Everyone who ever spoke, sponsored, volunteered, put on a feature presentation, worked at the venues we used, designed our websites, imagery and artwork I’m truly grateful to. Thank you for doing your best for us. Your efforts produced the exact results we hoped for and more.

My true heroes are the people who purchased tickets and came along. Whether you came once, or kept coming back, I can’t thank you enough. The audience makes the conference. I remember Rands ending a talk with a line

It’s the people, right?

Well…It is. The social aspects of Úll were where I had the best time. I was never “an organiser” at them; I was always an attendee.

I suppose when having way too many people to thank, it’s wrong single out individuals. But I’m going to. Working with Paul and Sasha on Úll over the few years was great. Paul: I admire that you always choose “better” over everything else. As a result we were never driven by cost, and never allowed ourselves to avoid something because it is difficult. If it made Úll better, that was the reason to do it. Sasha: You took care of the details, and made sure the train stayed on its rails. It meant that I got to enjoy the conference, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

I leave Úll in great hands. Paul was always the creative force behind it, and he’s just announced a cracking line up for Úll 2017. I’ll be there, but just as an attendee. I really look forward to seeing where Paul takes Úll.

This years call for performances has opened up too. If you’ve ever given it some thought, now is the time to make the leap. Put your entry in, please.

And, if you haven’t been before: Book your tickets now. I guarantee that if you go to Úll you’ll have a great time, and it will have a positive impact on you. Case in point: for me every year I left thinking

It makes me want to do my job better

Now, it’s time for me to do just that.

