10 Tips That Will Help You Save Time, Money, and Improve Your Mental Health in 2023

Save more, do more, and be happier with less in 2023.

Erick Masaku
The 100 Followers Community
3 min readJan 5, 2023


Photo Of Woman Standing On Sunflower Field
“Photo Of Woman Standing On Sunflower Field” by Andrea Piacquadio

We all have different goals but who would not like to be happier, richer, and more productive? Here are some tips to help you achieve more with less in 2023:

  1. Outsource routine, unproductive, and tiresome tasks. Why don’t you get cleaners to do a “deep cleaning” of your house every two weeks or every month? With the extra free time, you can do more for yourself and spend time with your family.
  2. Choose platforms that make you feel better about yourself. I’m talking about social media and the content you consume. Get off social media that makes you angry and get on social media that makes you happy.
  3. Give good gifts. Keep a list of what someone mentions repeatedly but never gets for themselves. Only do this with people who are important to you.
  4. Try cooking one new meal every month. It does not have to be perfect but it goes a long way. You can share the meal with your friends and family. Thousands of free recipes and tutorials are available all over the internet.
  5. Not everyone will like you. Accept it. Some people will detest even your most noble actions. Besides, if you don’t care about someone, don’t let their opinion of you stress you.
  6. Being elegant and classy is not everything. Buy items from the garage sale across from you. Join free items groups in your area and you might just stop buying expensive brand items. Especially with the dire economic forecasts this year, this could save you a lot of money.
  7. Don’t apologize for being yourself and having certain interests. If that hobby puts a smile on your face, just do it. People might judge and think of you in a certain way, but does it really matter? Chase the joy and everyone will come to terms with it once they notice that you are never backing down.
  8. Make friends online and offline. Attract people who have the same energy as you and do not hold yourself back or try to make a certain kind of impression. Showcase your authentic self.
  9. Choose people who choose you. Don’t hurt yourself by chasing after the wind. When someone makes it clear (verbally or by actions) that you are not a priority, don’t force it. Just let go. There are so many people out there who would love to connect with you as you are. Don’t focus on those who don’t want to.
  10. Wave back to children who wave at you. I underestimated the power of doing this until I started doing it. The bust of happiness that you see in children can just make your day.

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Erick Masaku
The 100 Followers Community

Writes about personal finance, investing and self improvement. Follow me for a well researched and curated daily dose of money and growth insights.