10 Super Easy Ways To Focus On Writing Now

Rachel Thompson
The Every Day Novelist
5 min readJul 6, 2019


Distracted by shiny things like the internet, social media, life in general? Here are 10 ways to help you focus and get your writing done!

Stop Talking About Writing

My recent Twitter #BookMarketingChat on how to focus on writing proved quite popular. Honestly, anything having to do with writing is always a big hit.

Writers love to talk about writing, right? (Sometimes more than we actually write. #TruthBomb.)

In order to get you to close social media and stop reading this post, here are some ideas to help you get the most out of the writing time you do have.

Ways To Focus On Writing

1. Turn off social media notifications for a set period of time while writing. Your phone, your computer, everywhere. You’ll live without knowing who retweeted you, left you little emojis on your Instagram, or shared your Facebook post while you were writing. Promise.

2. Set aside a sacred period of time aside to write. And stick to it. Whether it’s to blog or work on your book or journal or all of the above, stick to that time schedule. Mark it in your planner. Turn off the phone. Make an appointment with yourself, whether it’s ten minutes or…



Rachel Thompson
The Every Day Novelist

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer http://BadRedheadMedia.com