Challenge Yourself to Be the Boss of Your Writing Career

31-Day Ninja Writer Challenge 2019: Day Fourteen

Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist
3 min readMay 14, 2019


“The professional keeps his eye on the doughnut and not on the hole. He reminds himself it’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot.” — Steven Pressfield, The War of Art.

So, today’s post is a little more esoteric than most of the others in this series. It’s kind of a thought exercise, I guess.

I want you to understand something on a bone-deep level.

You are the Boss of your writing career. The Boss, capital B.

That means that you set goals for yourself and keep them. If you wouldn’t tell your day-job boss that you can’t come into work because you’re too busy or your kids that you can’t make dinner because your muse didn’t show up today — then don’t pull that shit on your writing career.

Set a goal for yourself. Write it in your planner. In ink.



Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist

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