Challenge Yourself to Set a Long Goal

31-Day Ninja Writer Challenge 2019: Day Eleven

Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist
3 min readMay 11, 2019


I know that a lot of you are planning on giving NaNoWriMo a go this year. And some of you, if you finish your novel, want to self-publish it at least in part because it’s considerably faster than the molasses-slow traditional publishing process.

There’s this feeling sometimes that we have to slam out a novel and get it on Amazon as fast as humanly possible.

I want to make a case today for looking further into the future.

Here’s a quote from a great article written by author Hugh Howey:

My plan was to write two novels a year for ten years before I ascertained whether or not I had a chance of making this work. . . . If you set a long term plan like this, and stick with it, you will succeed. Because you’ll find yourself in the top 0.1% of aspiring writers. 99.9% of your colleagues will drop out before they finish their plan. But you’ll outwork them.

I love that.

What he’s saying here is that if you set a long game goal for yourself and stick with it, you’ll win simply by virtue of working harder than everyone else.

You’ll win, because you’re still there.



Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist

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