4 Ways You Can Make Time To Blog Right Now

Time isn’t the biggest hurdle when it comes to blogging. It’s focus.

Rachel Thompson
The Every Day Novelist


Time, writers say, is the biggest challenge when it comes to blogging. We are writing books. We are marketing books. We are thinking about writing and marketing books. We are parents, spouses or significant others, single parents, workers bees, pet puke cleaner-uppers, grocery-shoppers, housekeepers, laundry-do-ers, mental illness sufferers/survivors, advocates, and the beat goes on.

Time is a real issue, right?

Where the hell is blogging supposed to fit into all that, right? Not so fast. Blogging is part of your writing and marketing platform, so if you are serious about marketing your books, if you are want to connect with readers, if you want Google to find you, then you need to blog. Blogging is not an option.

And I’ll give you a big ole truth bomb right here and now: it’s not only time that’s preventing you from blogging. It’s focus.

Blogging is part of your branding; if you are confused about your branding, you will be confused about what to blog about. Think about it: if you knew exactly what you were going to write about each week, how much easier would that be?



Rachel Thompson
The Every Day Novelist

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer http://BadRedheadMedia.com