If You Want to be A Writer, You Should be Watching TV. Here’s Why.

Television can make you a better storyteller. Honest.

Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist
7 min readNov 14, 2019


Since she was small, my daughter Ruby and I have had a habit of listening to Delilah on the radio during our drive home from soccer or basketball practice.

A couple of years ago Delilah said something on her program that caught my attention. She said that she hasn’t had a television in her house for almost 20 years.

I guess she must have hit the 20 year mark by now.

If she or one of her (many, many) children want to relax, she said, they read a book.

That sounds virtuous enough. I mean, I’m a novelist. I’m hardly going to argue with anyone who wants to read a book.

It was thrown out there with a tone of virtuosity, certainly. And, since books are my jam, I’m all for more reading. I’m a writer and a teacher. You’ll definitely never hear me say that anyone needs to read less.

But it still made me cringe.

Because if you are a creative person — and especially if you’re a writer — skipping television all together is a big mistake in my opinion.

There are three big ways to take in stories. Books (written or audio), movies, and television. And…



Shaunta Grimes
The Every Day Novelist

Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)