Writing Prompt

When Coincidences Start Happening They Go on Happening

Write About a Coincidence in Your Life Today

Envy Writer
The Every Day Novelist
2 min readOct 19, 2019


“I’ve often noticed that when coincidences start happening they go on happening in the most extraordinary way. I dare say it’s some natural law that we haven’t found out.”
― Agatha Christie

When I think about coincidences, I think about fate or timing or luck. The right thing happening at the right time. Good things.

Running into a friend in a random place or being offered a job just when you need the money. That kind of thing.

Bad things are something else. A curse maybe. A jinx.

But I wonder how random all of those things, the good and the bad, really are. The decisions we make — sometimes years ago — put us in the time and place for a thing to happen.

It all just boggles the mind, really, if you think too hard about it.

Write About a Coincidence in Your Life Today

If you’re a fiction writer: How does coincidence (or curse or jinx) play into your story? Is it really random? Or did your main character make a decision at some point that set that event in motion?



Envy Writer
The Every Day Novelist

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” — Louis L’Amour