How to Setup a Complete Development Environment in the Cloud using Google Cloud Shell & VSCode

George Alonge
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2020



In this post, i highlight in detail how to set up your own development environment in the cloud using Google Cloud Shell and the overwhelming benefits of doing so.

Src: Google

With constant improvements in technology, computing power continues to grow at a geometric progression. According to the famous Moore’s law, computing power will double every 2 years while the cost of computers will continue to reduce. This is very true. However, despite this, the costs of obtaining a highly efficient computer system suitable for the disk and memory-hungry applications we run today is still far fetched :(

But here's the good news. You don’t always need a 16–32gb ram or a 256–1tb hardware device to run even the most complex development environments anymore.

Cloud providers have risen to the challenge and there are a few today that provide this computing power at your fingertips, made accessible from any browser anywhere in the world. You can call this mobile non-blocking development if you will :)

This post walks you through the steps I take to set up a cloud development environment using Google Cloud Shell which has proven to be one of the best cloud providers out there I’ve found to run your cloud…



George Alonge

Google Cloud Architect | SRE | DevOps | Scalability | Performance