How to Thrive in a Recession

Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur
3 min readMar 17, 2020

It’s been nearly a dozen years since the 2008 recession…and today it’s looking like the boom is finally going bust.

A Recession is defined as a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. By the time the media calls it a recession it’s already too late — it will be after the fact and you have already been affected.

This month the US and the entire world are experiencing economic turmoil and uncertainty that I haven’t seen since the days following 9/11.

So what do you do to prepare for economic contraction?

How can you survive and even prosper from a monster recession?

Contractions are not something to be scared of but rather opportunities for those properly prepared for them.

Here are 5 things to keep in mind:

1) Operate with 10X levels of action. Literally out work everyone now as though you are about to enter the Great Depression of our lifetime.

2) Stop ALL spending except on those things that can increase income. Do NOT spend to consume; spend only to increase income. Invest in yourself!

3) Keep your firewood dry and add to it. Accumulate cash — wood for your fire — at all cost and spend nothing, preparing to invest when real assets get cheaper (they will). Prepare to steal when the market capitulates (throws up). Build your fire so big others stare in amazement.

4) Do whatever it takes to increase income. Take on other income opportunities to increase your monthly income and save it all (except to invest in yourself)

5) Learn ‘how’ think rather than ‘why’ think and act like an entrepreneur. That means sales, marketing, negotiating, follow up, and branding.

The reason I create products is to provide individuals with entrepreneurial skills so they can excel in such a time as THIS.

Are you ready to expand while the world contracts?

If you’re at home this week, start by getting a copy of the 10X Growth Conference HERE.

And now more than ever is the time to get on Cardone University.

Because of all the turmoil right now, I’m giving special pricing for a limited time. What was $1497 is just $97 today — get the deal HERE.

There’s no better way to invest in yourself and increase your income that Cardone U !!!!

— Grant

About Grant Cardone

CEO of CardoneCapital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule & creator of 21 best-selling business programs, Grant Cardone owns & operates seven privately held companies and a $1.4B portfolio of multifamily properties. Named the #1 marketer to watch by Forbes Magazine, Cardone is also the founder of The 10X Movement & The 10X Growth Conference, the world’s largest business & entrepreneur conference.



Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.