Read This If You Are Now Unemployed

Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur
6 min readMar 23, 2020

As we wake up to this new week, this new time, this new world, I want to talk to you about unemployment.

I’m having to make really, really hard decisions right now with my company.

And for those of you who may be employed, might’ve lost your job this week…or maybe you’re worried about losing your job — I want to give a message to you.

I’ve talked to a lot of my friends and buddies that own companies and they’re telling me what they’re doing right now…and it’s hard for them to have to cut people.

Last week we let go 42 people.

We had to let 42 people go. We paid them through the end of the month and there was not one person, not one person over three divisions that we wanted to let go.

We wanted to keep ’em all, we also had contract labor and vendors that we had to let go.

I didn’t hire 160 people because I wanted to get rid of them.

We were hiring people as of 2 weeks ago.

My payroll last year was over $12 million. I was happy to pay, but here’s the deal.

If you are an employee that has not been cut and you’re sitting there worried about being cut, I’m going to tell you exactly what you should be doing right now.

There is 155 million people that were working in this country last year, and as many as 40 million people could be unemployed here in the next three weeks.

Listen to what I’m telling you, we’re all in this same boat together. Everybody is going to get spanked.

Now, obviously I’m in a position different than a lot of people, I don’t have to worry about my bills next month. And I know a lot of you are worried about your bills. You’re worried about your car payment, you’re worried about your house payment, you’re worried about your rent.

You need to become unbelievably valuable to the company that you’re working for right now.

If you haven’t been let go, you need to do your job but also start figuring out how you can drive revenue to your company and become more valuable than you’ve ever been.

For those of you who have been laid off — it’s happening all over the world. Goldman Sachs said unemployment could go to 30%.

I’ve never seen that in my lifetime. I don’t think that that’s ever happened in the United States.

If you have lost your job, your job now is to get a job.

Amazon is hiring.

You’ve got to find people that are hiring. So if you’ve lost your job, look for a 1099 position. There were some people that left us that said, “Hey, can I work from home as a 1099? You don’t pay me a salary, you don’t pay me health care, but I can produce revenue.”

I’m like, “yeah, let’s do that.”

There’s 32 million companies in America. If half of them go out of business, 16 million are still left. How can you help produce revenue for a company?

For those of you out there that nobody feels sorry for, the employer — the bosses, you need to do what you need to do to fight another day.

So for all my friends out there that employ people that have taken risk for years, renting an office risk, paying employees…for all the bosses out there that hire people and write checks, I understand what you’re going through right now.

Do not expect sympathy from the world and don’t wait for the government to do their thing.

Live to fight another day — you have to maintain your vehicle, the vessel, and stay in business so that you can bring your people back.

So, if you lost your job this week, what are you going to do? Your job is to get a job.

This is probably going to be, as we get over this, a blessing in disguise for a lot of people. And it never feels like that as it happens…when you lose that boyfriend, that girlfriend, that relationship, that job, and you look back while you’re going through this terrible thing two years later you’re like, “Oh wow, this is what rebuilt my life.”

You have to look at this as opportunity to rebuild, a reset, a recalibration.

Easy for me to say, easy for me to sit here and say that because I’m not the one being fired. But in many ways, I am being fired. Frankly, I don’t know that my event business will make it.

Every person on planet earth will be unemploying.

What do I mean by that?

When you don’t order something from your local store, you fired them.

When you don’t buy that hat because you don’t have the money, you fired the person who made the hat.

I mean, we’re all going to be firing someone.

You have to look at who you’re going to fire right now.

And so for those of you who still are lucky enough to have a job, or you’re worried about maybe losing your job — and you should be — because that’s the truth, you have to figure out how to get your job attached to revenue.

And you have to become more valuable now than you ever have been without any guidance or management. Because most people are having to do it from home, which is unbelievable.

Not only are companies at risk, not only is your job at risk, but you don’t even have the company to support you because now you’ve got to work from home.

As many as 30 million people, maybe 45 million people are going to be let go. Somebody has to make that decision. Why John? Rather than Jill. Why Jill? It’s awful. And we had to do it last week.

Bosses, the only way you can make sure you can offer those people a job in the future if they want to come back, is to make sure you save the ship.

So make the hard decisions right now.

Save your ship, get it fueled, get it recalibrated, get it going in the right direction. Get at solving new problems and then go back and hire as many of those people back as you can.

But I’m going to get through this. I know you’re going to get beat this. The question is when this is all over, how’d you get through it and how do you look on the other side?

For now, I’m temporarily offering free access to Cardone University to help you during this contraction.

Enroll HERE.

Be Great,


About Grant Cardone

CEO of CardoneCapital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule & creator of 21 best-selling business programs, Grant Cardone owns & operates seven privately held companies and a $1.4B portfolio of multifamily properties. Named the #1 marketer to watch by Forbes Magazine, Cardone is also the founder of The 10X Movement & The 10X Growth Conference, the world’s largest business & entrepreneur conference.

For more information visit



Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.