Top Lessons from Grant Cardone’s Top Podcast Episodes

Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur
8 min readNov 10, 2017


The Cardone Zone has been climbing to the top of the iTunes charts in recent months. Grant Cardone offers insights and advice in his hit podcast to help the middle-class breakout and achieve true freedom in business, career, and finance. Whether it’s jobs and careers, finance, entrepreneurship, Grant’s real, raw in-your-face delivery serves as a wake-up call for anyone ok with just being comfortable. The Cardone Zone is like no other business show presently on air. After one viewing you’ll be inspired to make success your duty, responsibility, and obligation as you break free of the middle class and break into true freedom. Here is a quick summary of Grant’s top 10 episodes by downloads:

#10 How to Make Your First Million:

Grant breaks down how YOU can make your first million in this episode into 12 steps:

#1 It’s Never Been Easier

#2 Saving Won’t Do it

#3 Live Below Your Means

#4 Tax Angles

#5 Mature From Income to Investor

#6 Boss Up

#7 Automate a Pay-Yourself-First Program

#8 Be in a Hurry

#9 Do the Millionaire Math

#10 Do Not Diversify

#11 Multiple Flows

#12 Avoid Spending Money

#9 Budget for Billionaires:

Here are two things you can do to cut your expenses:

  1. Reduce your tax bill — There are many things you can do to pay less to the IRS. Make all 9 exemptions. You want the government taking less from your paycheck. Don’t pay people, especially the IRS, before you need to.
  2. Renegotiate student loans — Why would you pay this right now? Be Donald Trump, say that this deal no longer makes sense. If the president can renegotiate deals, you can too.

The bottom line is that rich people do things that poor people don’t do.

It’s not just what you make but what you keep. Search online about budgets, and nobody talks about the IRS or student loans. These are two huge expenses many people have. Cut into these and start keeping more of your money!

#8 Time & Money:

There is a direct relationship between time and mone — they are connected. What do they have in common? If you want more money, you really want more time. Speed is the new big. You need to either go half as far or twice as fast.

If you could have more of time or money, which of them would you choose? Time is money. Time is distance/speed, so if you want to get rich you have to do more with your time or buy other people’s time. Grant is in a hurry. When you slow down you become less valuable.

Plant more crops each day and you’ll have a bigger harvest.

The same 3 problems exist with time and money. People don’t know how to make it, keep it, or multiply it.

#7 Retire Rich:

The average American makes $58,000 a year and it costs more to live than that. How do you get out of that trap? 50% of American families have zero saved for retirement. It’s not because half the people are stupid, it’s the things we are all taught about money that is the problem.

If you use the wrong battle strategy for 30 years, you will end up broke.

You have to challenge your assumptions. Your mommy and daddy’s plan was all about saving. This is the wrong battle plan. You need income — this is the plan you need. You need to play offense, not defense.

#6 My Daily Rituals:

When you think of the word ritual, do you picture a bunch of guys wearing hoodies starting a fire out in the woods? A ritual is really just a sequence of activities. You need to have a sequence of activities you do every day for success.

Don’t wait until you get to work to get your day started. You should know your targets for the day before you get to the office. In a crazy world, you can bring normality, prediction, and control by having a ritual. You need to deliver every day and bring it — and having a daily ritual will help you fill your calendar and be more productive.

#5 Power Players: Tai Lopez & Grant Cardone:

Tai Lopez & Grant Cardone

Tai Lopez discusses with Grant quality versus quantity, Tai’s cars, Tai’s women, and much much more. Grant and Tai agree that the big thing money gives is freedom, and they take questions from callers on business, sales, and social media. Tai even reveals his first gig was selling tomatoes!

#4 Three Things Between You And Money:

If you make 100K a year you are a rich-poor person. The problem is nobody is going to feel sorry for you. If you make $14,000 a year people will feel sorry for you, but if you make $100,000 nobody cares — but both scenarios are broke. There’s no money left over.

Financial planners always ask you about your savings but they never ask you about your income plan. It’s all backward. What keeps you from money?

1.Your commitment. If you are committed to 50K you will come up short. Make a commitment to big money. If you don’t make more than 100K a year you have nothing to save.

2.Who’s Got Your Money? Who has got money around you, what do they need, and what objections do they have? You have to learn to sell and get money from people.

3.You don’t know what to do with it once you get it. Few people know when to invest or what to invest in. What’s keeping you from money?

Is it your commitment, the fact that you don’t know where to get money, or that you blow it all once you get it?

#3 How to Look For Opportunity:

Don’t look for an industry, look for the opportunity. Opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Grant discusses 4 tips to find your opportunity in this popular episode:

1. Look for opportunity: before you can see an opportunity you have to look.

2. Be willing to read and research: you won’t find opportunity without knowledge.

3. You have to go for it: you have to leave where you are comfortable.

4. Make contacts: everything you want, somebody else has it.

#2 How to Rip Off the IRS:

How to Rip Off the IRS

If you make $45,000 a year in gross income, let’s face it, the IRS has no interest in you. They are interested in people that make $45,000 a month. Grant discusses 3 main ways to rip off the IRS:

1. Don’t Be Getting Refunds — Refunds are an indication that you’re an idiot, that you’re overpaying Uncle Sam.

2. Take Your Exemptions — Every person should be taking 9 exemptions. You should be writing off anything and everything you can legally. Why leave money on the table for your dirty Uncle Sam to take and waste?

3. Know the Law for Expenses — The reason most people don’t rip the IRS off is that they don’t even know the laws. Grant just uses to his advantage what is written in the law. Usually, it’s rich people that write the laws. Why did they write what they did? THINK. Start thinking like a RICH person.

#1 How to Sell Yourself:

Simply showing up is not enough. Grant discusses if you don’t show up you won’t blow-up. He discusses these three rules to selling yourself:

1. Show up, and then show up again — then show off

2. Claim the stage as the authority

3. Sell who you are

Think of your life as a movie and remember you are the producer, director, and writer.

It’s invaluable to learn how to present yourself in a moment and command an audience.

The Cardone Zone is quickly becoming one of the most popular podcasts on iTunes — you can also find it on Stitcher. Comment below which Grant Cardone lesson has been most impactful for you in your life.

Be great,


Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, the #1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on leadership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, social media, and finance. His 5 privately held companies have annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes named Mr. Cardone #1 of the “25 Marketing Influencers to Watch in 2017”. Grant’s straight-shooting viewpoints on the economy, the middle class, and business have made him a valuable resource for media seeking commentary and insights on real topics that matter. He regularly appears on Fox News, Fox Business, CNBC, and MSNBC, and writes for Forbes, Success Magazine, Business Insider,, and the Huffington Post. He urges his followers and clients to make success their duty, responsibility, and obligation. He currently resides in South Florida with his wife and two daughters.



Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.