Your Guide to Prosperity in 2020

Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur
6 min readDec 26, 2019

What is Prosperity?

If you want prosperity in your life in 2020 you have to know what it is.

Prosperity is having more than enough of everything that is vital to your survival.

It’s not dependent on one thing — money, a car, a house, a job, a relationship — it’s having more than enough of everything that you want and need.

It’s abundance and affluence.

Notice that prosperity does not include worry.

A lot of you are worried right now going into the New Year.

76% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck in the richest country in the world!

Maybe it’s whether you can afford five-dollar coffee, picking up the check, your student loans, a 30-year mortgage, or your kid’s school tuition. Whatever it is, know that you cannot worry your way to abundance.

Let me share something with you.

When I was a kid, money was a taboo topic that we never talked about.

No one showed me big wads of cash. If someone did have success, it was discussed behind closed doors…

I grew up in a little town in Louisiana in the middle class. My mom and dad had five kids and my dad died when I was ten.

I don’t have any horror stories — I didn’t get beat, have a drunk father, or a terrible upbringing but what we did have was plenty of worry. You might be in a similar situation.

Looking back, I realized that my parents were constantly worried about money. It took my dad ten years to firmly secure our family in the middle class, then his heart exploded in his chest. It’s my belief that worrying about “making it” eventually killed him.

After he died, we were right back to worry. My mom didn’t know how to get income. She had no income-generating skills that she could use in the marketplace and didn’t know where the money would come from. That’s what I was surrounded with every day.

Prosperity is the opposite of being worried.

If you’re reading this right now, you might be living paycheck to paycheck. The question you should ask yourself is how do you get to a place where you are not worried all the time?

It doesn’t matter who you are. I was broke when I was 25. I hated my job. I had no dad and no money. Now I own multiple companies and have helped raised millions of dollars for charities.

I know that you can do the same thing if you take the right steps. I want to show you exactly what I did to turn my life around and start creating prosperity in my life.

Here are 3 simple things you can do heading into 2020 to change your life toward PROSPERITY:

#1 Change Your Mindset

If you want affluence and prosperity in your life, you have to start seeing it.

I look for prosperity everywhere I go.

You might be seeing scarcity instead of abundance. You’re told to eat all your food. To save your money. To be happy with what you have because you’re better off than people in other countries.

Statements like these might be well-intentioned, but they come from a scarcity mindset. You need to flip that and develop a prosperity mindset.

Start seeing prosperity in everything.

Reinforce that there is abundance in the world. Look at the cars when you’re driving… $70 grand. $80 grand. $120 grand. Lamborghini. Ferrari. Maserati.

Fill your eyes up with prosperity. Be open to seeing how much money exists in the world.

Who’s an abundant thinker in your life? Most of us are surrounded by people with limited thinking because they are worried and have been told their whole life that scarcity is their reality!

#2 Spend Your Money Wisely

What do you spend your money on? Make a list and evaluate your junk items. Use a scale of 1 to 5 and categorize everything that you spend your money on.

What You Buy:

• 1 to 2: Important

• 3: Maybe

• 4 to 5: definitely don’t need

You might need to spend more money in the important category and give up some 4 and 5 items. If what you’re considering is a 3, sit down with your spouse and make a decision about it together.

The point is to start evaluating what you’re spending your money on and cut the things that are junk.

This way you can spend money that will bring you more PROSPERITY.

Join Grant Cardone Live December 28th for FREE to see how you can 10X Your 2020!!!

#3 Avoid Financial Traps

If you’re going down a road and you have a friend pointing out the potholes and telling you the best streets to take, would you listen to their advice?

There are financial traps out there that you might be convinced are the things that you should do. They are actually traps built by banks and institutions to trap middle America.

They were designed for large groups of people, not for the super exclusive. You should avoid them at all costs. To do that, you have to know the potholes — the problems — and the roads that WON’T take you to prosperity.

Here are some of these traps:

Buying a house — Buying a home is the “American Dream.” What you might not realize is that it’s the banks that sold that dream to America so they could get rich. 64% Americans own a home. But really, the bank and the government own it, not you. People buy houses because they hope that they will appreciate in the future. It’s like dragging a 5 thousand pound ball around for 30 years so you can have money, one day.

College — Do you have student debt? The average American has over $100k in student loans. I went to college to learn how to create abundance in my life. I didn’t learn it there. You don’t need a college degree to earn more money or to make new connections.

Saving money in the bank — “You need to save money,” is probably advice that you get from a trusted family member. Saving money is not how you get to prosperity. If you have $1,000 in the bank it will earn you $1.20 in interest per year. You’d have to wait a long time to get wealthy. Who wants to wait until they’re too old to have enough money to enjoy abundance?

401Ks — Anyone ever tell you to put your money in a 401K? It’s another trap that makes mutual fund managers and Wall Street rich. They know that people can get lazy with their money and want a shortcut. They designed this system to bank on people’s natural tendency to be lazy and to trust authority figures. Wake up and realize you’re getting duped.

There are many more tips I can give you for finding more prosperity this upcoming year…

Join me for a special live training on How to 10X Your 2020 — — — →Register for FREE right here

Let’s bring in the New Year together and I’ll give you:

✅What I learned in 2019

✅Habits to take going into 2020

✅Your Goal Blueprint for 2020

✅How to make this January your most successful month ever

Join me HERE

Be great,


About Grant Cardone

CEO of CardoneCapital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule & creator of 21 best-selling business programs, Grant Cardone owns & operates seven privately held companies and a $1.4B portfolio of multifamily properties. Named the #1 marketer to watch by Forbes Magazine, Cardone is also the founder of The 10X Movement & The 10X Growth Conference, the world’s largest business & entrepreneur conference.



Grant Cardone
The 10X Entrepreneur

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.