The 11th Hour Dispatch — Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The 11th Hour Dispatch
The 11th Hour Dispatch
3 min readAug 14, 2018


The New York Post teamed up with streetwear/cult Supreme for yesterday’s issue, and now the thing is selling for more than 10x its face value. The paper, which typically sells for $1.50, was today selling for more than $20 a pop. The now collectible issue simply featured Supreme’s scary simple red and white logo below The New York Post’s masthead on both the front and the back of the issue. As of noon today, one eBay seller had sold 31 copies of the $1.50 paper for $20 a piece. Pretty wild to see bros dripping in Supreme and crisp, spotless Yeezys clamoring over good old-fashioned newspapers.


Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash

The Scott Rogowsky Show, I mean, HQ Trivia officially has its first streaming app on Apple TV. Users will now be able to play the game using their Apple TV remotes. Though HQ has been downloaded more than 12.5 million unique times to date, there’s no debating that its popularity has plummeted. At points earlier this year, the app was the most popular trivia game in the United States, the third most popular game app, and the sixth most popular app overall on the App Store. It’s currently ranked #585. Since hitting its player high of 2.38 million in late March, its daily user numbers have fallen as well. Seems like they kind of missed the boat on their own 15 minutes of fame here, but we’ll see how this expansion goes.


Household Silicon Valley name Andreessen Horowitz has teamed up with the likes of Will Smith and Kevin Durant for a fund aimed at getting more black talent in tech. Initial limited partners include Durant, Smith, and Essence magazine publisher Richelieu Dennis. The fund will reportedly total around $15 million, which is relatively small for a fund of this scale. However, the fund (called Culture) will invest alongside Andreessen Horowitz’s own $1.5 billion fund. What’s unusual here is that Andreessen Horowitz will not collect typical profits gained from fees and interest. It will instead donate said money to nonprofits “aimed at boosting the involvement of black technology.” ICYMI, Silicon Valley isn’t the most diverse place in the world, with 58% of venture capitalists being white males and a only 3% — female or male — black. Even at Andreessen Horowitz itself, none of its 29 investing partners are black, so it’s a welcome change of pace all around.


New York City is running out of oat milk. What are we going to do???


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