The 13th Street Journal FAQ

bhavana s.
The 13th Street Journal
4 min readSep 16, 2015

Welcome to “The 13th Street Journal”!
The following are a list of frequently asked questions.

Q: What exactly is “The 13th Street Journal”?

A: “The 13th Street Journal” (13SJ), is aimed to promote academic creativity for students through an uncensored and unrestricted student-led forum.

Q: What do we write about? Are there are any rules for submissions?

A: Anything! You can write about how stressful school is to how amazing your winter vacation was! There is no word limit or minimum words- if you want to do a photo essay, you don’t even need words! We do recommend you use proper grammar (so you can actually use this for your diploma), and refrain from vulgar/ bad words, but the choice is up to you.

Q: Are there any rules at all?

A: Technically, no, but we ask that everyone respects each other’s work and to not hate on someone else’s articles- we are all entitled to our own opinions, and we should support each other rather than bring each other down. We also ask that you guys do NOT submit your Film articles, if you take Film- it is not fair for those who are spending time outside of their schoolwork. You can submit your Film pieces, as we do publish all articles that we receive, but you will not earn credit, which means no hours :(

Q: How is this different from “Humans of Stanton”?

A: 13SJ, as of now, is primarily focused on IB students to encourage them in creating the recommended blog/ journal articles. 13SJ is completely optional and does not focus on the journalistic endeavors that the DA promotes. Instead, the 13SJ, is open to all writing styles, and though proper grammar is recommended it is not required. We do not peer edit your work because we believe that art should be uncensored and presented in its true, most fundamental form.

Q: What are the benefits of being a writer for the 13SJ?

A: As mentioned before, the 13SJ gives an outlet for students to create the suggested blog/ journal that IB recommends. And who doesn’t want to be a part of a cultural movement that seeks to understand our current generation. Additionally, we are trying to get writers creative hours for writing (1 creative CAS hour for 2 articles).**

Q: What are CAS hours?

A: CAS hours stand for “Community Active Service” hours. IB requires 150 hours: 50 service, 50 active, and 50 creative. In the case of the 13SJ, by completing 100 articles a writer can get all 50 creative hours.**

Q: What are your goals for this publication?

A: We hope that the 13SJ would serve as an outlet for students to express their thoughts in an environment that aims to be supportive and encouraging; we also hope that students will utilize this publication and their writing skills to foster creativity, while also discovering things about themselves that they did not know before. The ultimate goal, however, is to make this publication would one of the biggest student run forums in Stanton.

Q: How did you come up with this idea?

A: It was one of those things that just came to my head. I was talking to Milind, and the words just kind of came out. It wasn’t until I read what I sent that I realized this could be a plausible idea that would be a great help for IB Stanton kids.

Q: Why did you choose “The 13th Street Journal”?

A: Well, the naming process was kind of lame. Both Milind and I were just brainstorming name ideas, and when “The 13th Street Journal” came up, we both thought it was perfect. The name is modeled after the highly respected “Wall Street Journal”, in hopes that the 13SJ can become to the effect of the Wall Street, for Stanton.

Q: Why was “Medium” chosen as the platform for this publication?

A: Inspired by Dr.Adams’ use of Medium and the outrageously positive feedback students gave, we knew that Medium would be perfect for students to talk to each other. Medium is both laid-back and professional, giving the environment that we want to convey to both the readers and writers. Medium also allows the creation of a publication, so that readers can access all articles in one convenient place.

Q: I submitted my article, but it won’t publish. Why?

A: As part of Medium’s policy, no writer can directly publish into a publication. Instead, when you press submit to submit your article into our publication, it comes to us in a draft. We will publish your article for you, and we will not make any changes to your article. We do read all articles, but with everyone else- after it is published. However you send the article, that is how it will be published (unless you notify us that a change has to be made).

Q: I want to be kept anonymous, what do I do?

A: If you would like to be kept anonymous, just send your article to our email, and we will publish your article for you!

Q: This sounds super cool! I want to become a writer, too! How do I become one?

A: We are always excited for new writers! To join, please send an email, with your name and Twitter/ Medium handle so that we can add you to our list of writers. Once you are added we can publish your articles

Milind and I are extremely excited to read your articles! If you have any more questions, feel free to message us on Facebook, or send, an email!

**CAS hours are right now being negotiated, the ration of 1 CAS hour per 2 articles is subject to change.

