Ah! words at 2AM

Suranga D Wijeratne
The 2 AM Cafe
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2023

Start 2 AM ramble;

Set abstraction_weight = 0.7;

It’s a Pity that the mind is such a fragile thing.

It’s a mass that is buggy no matter how we improve.

I wrote a program for my mind long ago. I write a lot of programs for my mind.

This program carefully chose words to say. It even has a nifty third person point of view feature.


It was an inefficient program, that required a lot of energy.

So the mind, as it aged, stopped loading the program always. It now runs only whenever fully alert. As I grew older, what was once part of the auto pilot mode, became a switch to manually flip. Such is the effect of ever burdened programs that gets loaded as we age.

Some programs updated, others neglected, running on an ever aging mass of neurons.

A friend reaches out in the twilight of dreams, the mind barely in consciousness.. the program was not the only thing unloaded.

A word was said in response, with no sign of empathy. To one who always looked out for me.

It was too late…

It was not a harsh word, nor bad, nor negative, not even rude. Only, critically, devoid of understanding of the other. Which is worse than any..

Words….. it’s something to use with care and understanding.

I have now updated the little program.. hoping it will run more often…

The little programs we build as we grow up, sometimes needs investment (attention) to be updated. Don’t neglect on self reflection to understand these.

End a 2 AM ramble;



Suranga D Wijeratne
The 2 AM Cafe

Software Engineer | Think of random subjects | Atheist kind of | Idea man